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이론모델을 이용한 멸치의 음향산란강도의 검토 및 적용
Verification and application of Target Strength for Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicas) by theoretical acoustic scattering model 원문보기

한국어업기술학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology, v.48 no.4, 2012년, pp.487 - 494  

황강석 (국립수산과학원 자원관리과) ,  이경훈 (국립수산과학원 시스템공학과) ,  황보규 (부경대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Acoustical backscattering characteristics of Japanese anchovy can be estimated by Kirchhoffray mode model (KRM model) due to estimate exact body and swim-bladder shape of the fish, the samples were rapidly frozen by dry-ice and alcohol. X-ray photos for ventral and lateral direction for 6 samples we...


참고문헌 (12)

  1. Clay CS and Horne JK. 1994. Acoustical models of fish: The atlantic cod (Gadua morhua). J Acoust Soc Am 96 (3), 1661-1668. 

  2. Foote KG. 1985. Rather-high-frequency sound scattered by swimbladdered fish. J Acoust Soc Am 78, 688-700. 

  3. Goss C, Middleton D and Rodhouse P. 2001. Investigations of squid stocks using acoustic survey methods. Fish Res 54, 111-121. 

  4. Kawabata A. 2005. Target strength measurements of suspended live ommastrephid squid, Todarodes pacifica, and its application in density estimations. Fish Sci 71, 63-72. 

  5. Lalli CM and Parsons TR. 1993. Biological Oceanography: An Introduction. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 167-181. 

  6. Lee DJ. 2005. Fish length dependence of acoustic target strength for 12 dominant fish species caught in the Korean waters at 75kHz. J Kor Soc Fish Tech 41, 296-305. 

  7. Lee KH, Choi JH, Shin JK, Chang DS and Park SW. 2009. Acoustical backscattering strength characteristics and density estimates of Japanese common squid distributed in Yellow Sea. J Kor Soc Fish Tech 45, 157-164. 

  8. Lee SJ, Lee YW, Kim JI, Oh TY, Hwang BK, Kim BY and Lee KH. 2010. Target strength estimation of dominant species in marine ranching ground of Jeju coastal water by KRM model. J Kor Soc Fish Tech 46, 157-163. 

  9. NFRDI. 2010. Ecology and fishing ground of coastalinshore fishery resources. National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, 110-117. 

  10. McGehee DE, O'Driscoll RL and Martin. 1998. Effects of orientation on acoustic scattering from Antarctic Krill at 120kHz. Deep Sea Res 45, 1273-1294. 

  11. Miyashita K. 2002. Diurnal changes in acoustic frequency characteristics of japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus lavae. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 68, 564-568. 

  12. Zhao X, Wang Y and Dai F. 2008. Depth-depandant target strength of anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) measured in situ. ICES J Mar Sci 65, 882-888. 

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