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Isoflavone-Free 검은콩펩타이드의 항고혈압 및 ACE 활성 억제효과
Antihypertensive and ACE Inhibitory Effects of Novel Isoflavone-free Black Soy Peptide Mixture 원문보기

약학회지 = Yakhak hoeji, v.56 no.5, 2012년, pp.309 - 313  

안창원 ((주)농심 R&BD 센터) ,  신동석 ((주)농심 R&BD 센터) ,  박수현 ((주)농심 R&BD 센터) ,  홍순선 (인하대학교 의과대학 의학전문대학원 특성화교실 임상시험센터) ,  강주희 (약리학교실 의약물독성연구소) ,  박창신 (약리학교실 의약물독성연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Antiobesity, hypotriglyceridemic and antihypertensive activities of isoflavone-free peptide mixture (black soybean peptide, BSP) were reported in our previous experiments. In the present study, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory (ACEi) activity was decreased in the aorta tissues of spontaneous...


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