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전기자동차용 리튬이온 배터리 급속충전장치 설계와 제어
A Design and Control of Rapid Electric Vehicle Charging System for Lithium-Ion Battery 원문보기

전력전자학회 논문지 = The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, v.18 no.1, 2013년, pp.26 - 36  

강태원 (Electrical Engineering, Chonbuk Nat'l University) ,  서용석 (Electrical Engineering, Chonbuk Nat'l University) ,  박현철 (Iljin Electric Co., Ltd.) ,  강병익 (Iljin Electric Co., Ltd.) ,  김성훈 (Iljin Electric Co., Ltd.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper presents a simple and cost-effective stand-alone rapid battery charging system of 30kW for electric vehicles. The proposed system mainly consists of active front-end rectifier of neutral point clamped 3-level type and non-isolated bi-directional dc-dc converter of multi-phase interleaved ...


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제안 방법

  • In order to verify the proposed charging algorithm in this paper, the complete charging sequence starting from pre-charge mode to final charge termination in CV mode has been simulated using the employed battery model. The waveforms of battery voltage and current during this complete charging sequence are plotted in Fig.
  • The charging system is designed to operate for both lithium-polymer and lithium-ion batteries. The control algorithm for the proposed system is set to meet the long life-cycle and safe operating requirement of both type of battery. The complete power converter system can deal with bi-directional power flow between the ac grid and energy storage devices.
  • 11. The laboratory proto-type of 30kW rapid charging system has been built and tested to verify the proposed concept in this paper. Figure 12 presents the full view of proto-type of rapid EV charger.


  • Simulation verification of the proposed system and its control algorithm has been performed using the power electronic circuit simulation tool of PLECS. Battery has been modeled based on the charging and discharging curve (Voltage vs.
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참고문헌 (17)

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