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치과 감염관리에 대한 의료소비자의 인지도에 관한 사례 조사
A survey of cognition on infection control of the clients in dental hospital 원문보기

JKSDH : Journal of Korean Society of Dental Hygiene = 한국치위생학회지, v.13 no.2, 2013년, pp.249 - 260  

이정화 (동의대학교 치위생과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives : To figure out the status of infection control (IC) in dental healthcare field and to propose the way for improvements through assessment about cognition of the clients. Methods : Study subjects were 151 patients who visited H dental health organization (DHO) of the four DHO in Busan cit...


참고문헌 (19)

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