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Creating Subnetworks from Transcriptomic Data on Central Nervous System Diseases Informed by a Massive Transcriptomic Network 원문보기

Interdisciplinary Bio Central, v.5 no.1, 2013년, pp.1.1 - 1.8  

Feng, Yaping (Development and Cell Biology, Department of Genetics, Iowa State University) ,  Syrkin-Nikolau, Judith A. (Macalester College) ,  Wurtele, Eve S. (Development and Cell Biology, Department of Genetics, Iowa State University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

High quality publicly-available transcriptomic data representing relationships in gene expression across a diverse set of biological conditions is used as a context network to explore transcriptomics of the CNS. The context network, 18367Hu-matrix, contains pairwise Pearson correlations for 22,215 h...


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제안 방법

  • In one approach, the overall 18637Hu-matrix is used to identify additional CNS-expressed genes. In a second approach, we derive a network from within the CNS samples in the context of the larger matrix, and evaluated the overrepresentation of functional significance of regulons calculated from this network relative to that of the regulons derived from the 18637Hu-matrix.
  • The combined set of outlier-networks for glioblastomas and astrocytoma was evaluated to identify the abnormally expressed genes, and the associated samples, in the context of the 18637Hu-matrix. In this subnetwork, 48 gene clusters are naturally separated, with 23 gene pairs having 3 or more genes (Figure 4).
  • To compare the quality of the correlations in the smaller CNS dataset relative to the overall 18637Hudataset, we used the CNS dataset to calculated pairwise Pearson correlations from the > 22,000 transcripts measured.
  • Figure 2. Using the brain-specific Regulon 56 as a hub within the context of the 18367Hu-matrix correlation network to identify genes that are preferentially expressed in the CNS. The 18367Hu-matrix is comprised of the pairwise Pearson correlations for 22,215 human genes correlated across 18,637 human tissue samples1.

대상 데이터

  • The X-axis shows the data from individual microarray samples. The data is visualized and sorted by sample metadata using MOG (http://www.metnetdb.org/MetNet_MetaOmGraph.htm).


  • To delineate unique perturbations in gene expression within a particular disease condition, in this case glioblastomas or astrocytomas, we combined the 18637Hu-dataset network with data from the glioblastoma or astrocytoma samples to identify genes that are expressed to unusually high levels in only particular of the samples. To do this, the expression data from the 324 glioblastoma samples in the 18637Hu-dataset (Figure 1) were normalized by MAD and Mean100 and used to calculate pairwise Pearson correlations; the resultant matrices are referred to as Pcorr.Glio324.
  • Two selection criteria were used to identify genes that represent gliocytoma outliers. A set of Pearson correlation coefficients was determined for the subset of samples used in this analysis. Selection Criterion 1: PcorrGlio324 > 0.


  • The samples are further classified according to more details within the sample metadata. The sorting and visualization was conducted using the publicly available software, MetaOmGraph (MOG http://www.metnetdb.org/MetNet_MetaOm-Graph.htm).
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (16)

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  2. Behrends, C., Sowa, M. E., Gygi, S. P., and Harper, J. W. (2010). Network organization of the human autophagy system. Nature 466, 68-76. 

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  4. Tong, A. H., Lesage, G., Bader, G. D., Ding, H., Xu, H., Xin, X., Young, J., Berriz, G. F., Brost, R. L., Chang, M., et al. (2004). Global mapping of the yeast genetic interaction network. Science 303, 808-813. 

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  6. Li, L., Foster, C. M., Gan, Q., Nettleton, D., James, M. G., Myers, A. M., and Wurtele, E. S. (2009). Identification of the novel protein QQS as a component of the starch metabolic network in Arabidopsis leaves. Plant J 58, 485-498. 

  7. Ngaki, M. N., Louie, G. V., Philippe, R. N., Manning, G., Pojer, F., Bowman, M. E., Li, L., Larsen, E., Wurtele, E. S., and Noel, J. P. (2012). Evolution of the chalcone-isomerase fold from fatty-acid binding to stereospecific catalysis. Nature 485, 530-533. 

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  16. Nikolau, B. J., and Wurtele, E. S. (2007). Concepts in Plant Metabolomics, Dordrecht: Springer. 

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