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Exploitation of Reactive Oxygen Species by Fungi: Roles in Host-Fungus Interaction and Fungal Development 원문보기

Journal of microbiology and biotechnology, v.24 no.11, 2014년, pp.1455 - 1463  

Kim, Hyo Jin (Fermentation Research Center, Korea Food Research Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In the past, reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been considered a harmful byproduct of aerobic metabolism. However, accumulating evidence implicates redox homeostasis, which maintains appropriate ROS levels, in cell proliferation and differentiation in plants and animals. Similarly, ROS generation a...


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문제 정의

  • This review article describes the impact of ROS on the proliferation and differentiation of fungi. The focus of the article is mainly on the role of the fungal NADPH oxidase in ROS generation and signaling in fungal development and host-fungus interaction.
  • Emerging research, however, has suggested that ROS are also necessary for proper growth and development in animals, plants, and fungi [1, 31, 52, 72]. This review article describes the impact of ROS on the proliferation and differentiation of fungi. The focus of the article is mainly on the role of the fungal NADPH oxidase in ROS generation and signaling in fungal development and host-fungus interaction.
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참고문헌 (75)

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