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New Species and New Record of Genus Chrysothrix (Chrysotrichaceae, Arthoniales) from South Korea and Chile 원문보기

Mycobiology, v.46 no.3, 2018년, pp.185 - 191  

Liu, Dong (Korean Lichen Research Institute (KoLRI), Sunchon National University) ,  Oh, Soon-Ok (Forest Biodiversity Division, Korean National Arboretum) ,  Park, Jung-Shin (Forest Biodiversity Division, Korean National Arboretum) ,  Hur, Jae-Seoun (Korean Lichen Research Institute (KoLRI), Sunchon National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The genus Chrysothrix is very common around the world and easy to be recognized by its bright yellowish granular thallus. In this study, investigations of lichen mycota in South Korea and Chile from 2010 to 2017 have been done, and some Chrysothrix specimens were collected, based on the morphologica...


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가설 설정

  • Remarks: This species is characterized by the micro-fruticose and fibroid thallus, and containing calycin as the major and single secondary metabolites
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참고문헌 (17)

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  2. 2 Lendemer JC , Elix JA Two new species of Chrysothrix from eastern North America . Opuscula Philolichenum . 2010 ; 8 : 51 – 58 . 

  3. 3 Harris RC , Ladd D The lichen genus Chrysothrix in the Ozark ecoregion, including a preliminary treatment for eastern and central North America . Opuscula Philolichenum . 2008 ; 5 : 29 – 42 . 

  4. 4 Elix JA , Kantvilas G The genus Chrysothrix in Australia . Lichenologist . 2007 ; 39 : 361 – 369 . 

  5. 5 Jagadeesh Ram TAM , Sinha GP , Lücking R , et al. A new species of Chrysothrix (Arthoniales: Arthoniaceae) from India . Lichenologist . 2006 ; 38 : 127 – 129 . 

  6. 6 Kalb K New or otherwise interesting lichens. I . Bibliotheca Lichenologica . 2001 ; 78 : 141 – 167 . 

  7. 7 Tønsberg T Chrysothrix flavovirens sp. nov. –the sorediate counterpart of C. chrysophthalma . Graphis Scripta . 1994 ; 6 : 31 – 33 . 

  8. 8 Thor G Two new species of Chrysothrix from South America . Bryologist . 1988 ; 91 : 360 – 363 . 

  9. 9 Aptroot A , Moon KH 114 New reports of microlichens from Korea, including the description of five new species, show that the microlichen flora is predominantly Eurasian . Herzogia . 2014 ; 27 : 347 – 365 . 

  10. 10 Kondratyuk S , Lőkös L , Tschabanenko S , et al. New and noteworthy lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi . Acta Botanica Hungarica . 2013 ; 55 : 275 – 349 . 

  11. 11 Joshi Y , Wang XY , Lee YM , et al Notes on some new records of macro- and micro-lichens from Korea . Mycobiology . 2009 ; 37 : 197 – 202 . 23983532 

  12. 12 Laundon J The species of Chrysothrix . Lichenologist . 1981 ; 13 : 101 – 121 . 

  13. 13 Lendemer JC A standardized morphological terminology and descriptive scheme for Lepraria ( Stereocaulaceae ) . Lichenologist . 2011 ; 43 : 379 – 399 . 

  14. 14 Elix JA A catalogue of standardized chromatographic data and biosynthetic relationships for lichen substances . Canberra : The Author ; 2014 . 

  15. 15 Orange A , James P , White F Microchemical methods for the identification of lichens . 2nd ed London : British Lichen Society ; 2010 . 

  16. 16 Culberson CF , Kristinsson H-D A standardized method for the identification of lichen products . J Chromatogr . 1970 ; 46 : 85 – 93 . 

  17. 17 Flakus A , Kukwa M , Czarnota P Some interesting records of lichenized and lichenicolous Ascomycota from South America . Pol Botanical J . 2006 ; 51 : 209 – 215 . 

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