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Sequence Validation for the Identification of the White-Rot Fungi Bjerkandera in Public Sequence Databases 원문보기

Journal of microbiology and biotechnology, v.24 no.10, 2014년, pp.1301 - 1307  

Jung, Paul Eunil (School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University) ,  Fong, Jonathan J. (School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University) ,  Park, Myung Soo (School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University) ,  Oh, Seung-Yoon (School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University) ,  Kim, Changmu (National Institute of Biological Resources, Environmental Research Complex) ,  Lim, Young Woon (School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

White-rot fungi of the genus Bjerkandera are cosmopolitan and have shown potential for industrial application and bioremediation. When distinguishing morphological characters are no longer present (e.g., cultures or dried specimen fragments), characterizing true sequences of Bjerkandera is crucial f...


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가설 설정

  • Both species were reciprocally monophyletic for both ITS and LSU, with low intraspecific and high interspecific variation, validating the morphological identification. These sequence data and the phylogenetic tree served as the framework to which we determined whether GenBank sequences are misidentified.
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참고문헌 (31)

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