지속가능성은 경제적, 사회적 그리고 환경적 이슈를 아우르는 광의의 개념으로 해석된다. 이 논문은 2013년 초 부산항에서 수행한 인터뷰를 기반으로 항만운영의 지속가능 활동을 개념화함으로써 국제항만 운영의 지속가능성 확보를 위한 전략적 의사결정을 돕고 또한 향후 관련 연구에 초석을 마련하고자 한다. 빈도 및 패턴 분석을 이용하여, 지속가능 활동은 환경친화적 기술, 지속적인 관리와 향상, 내적 성장, 대화와 협력 등을 포함하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 분석결과, 항만 및 항만관계자의 현재와 미래 요구사항을 수용할 수 있는 전략적/운영적 활동으로서의 지속가능 활동의 역할이 확인되었다. 지속가능 활동을 실천하는데 있어서 나타나는 장벽과 도전과제를 보여줌으로써, 연구결과는 항만이 지속가능 활동을 도입하고 실천하도록 하는 전략적 과제에 대한 유용한 정보을 제공한다.
지속가능성은 경제적, 사회적 그리고 환경적 이슈를 아우르는 광의의 개념으로 해석된다. 이 논문은 2013년 초 부산항에서 수행한 인터뷰를 기반으로 항만운영의 지속가능 활동을 개념화함으로써 국제항만 운영의 지속가능성 확보를 위한 전략적 의사결정을 돕고 또한 향후 관련 연구에 초석을 마련하고자 한다. 빈도 및 패턴 분석을 이용하여, 지속가능 활동은 환경친화적 기술, 지속적인 관리와 향상, 내적 성장, 대화와 협력 등을 포함하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 분석결과, 항만 및 항만관계자의 현재와 미래 요구사항을 수용할 수 있는 전략적/운영적 활동으로서의 지속가능 활동의 역할이 확인되었다. 지속가능 활동을 실천하는데 있어서 나타나는 장벽과 도전과제를 보여줌으로써, 연구결과는 항만이 지속가능 활동을 도입하고 실천하도록 하는 전략적 과제에 대한 유용한 정보을 제공한다.
Sustainability is a broad concept involving economic, social and environmental issues in operational and managerial processes. To assist ports to implant sustainability practices into their operations, this paper conceptualizes the structure of sustainability practice in port operations, based on in...
Sustainability is a broad concept involving economic, social and environmental issues in operational and managerial processes. To assist ports to implant sustainability practices into their operations, this paper conceptualizes the structure of sustainability practice in port operations, based on interviews undertaken at Busan port in early 2013. Results revealed that, as a strategic practice to improve their internal business processes, sustainability practices necessitate the simultaneous pursuit of container traffic growth, low environmental impacts and corporate responsible image making, operational efficiency, efficiency of the use of the port area and sustainable growth. Through thematic analysis, the relevant practices were clustered into four sub-dimensions incorporating environmental technologies, continual monitoring and upgrading, internal process improvement, and cooperation and communication. Further, reporting the relevant issues such as barriers and challenges in carrying out sustainability practices, the findings provide useful insights for strategic agenda to assist ports to incorporate sustainability practices in their operations.
Sustainability is a broad concept involving economic, social and environmental issues in operational and managerial processes. To assist ports to implant sustainability practices into their operations, this paper conceptualizes the structure of sustainability practice in port operations, based on interviews undertaken at Busan port in early 2013. Results revealed that, as a strategic practice to improve their internal business processes, sustainability practices necessitate the simultaneous pursuit of container traffic growth, low environmental impacts and corporate responsible image making, operational efficiency, efficiency of the use of the port area and sustainable growth. Through thematic analysis, the relevant practices were clustered into four sub-dimensions incorporating environmental technologies, continual monitoring and upgrading, internal process improvement, and cooperation and communication. Further, reporting the relevant issues such as barriers and challenges in carrying out sustainability practices, the findings provide useful insights for strategic agenda to assist ports to incorporate sustainability practices in their operations.
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문제 정의
Therefore, in order to provide useful insights to guide policy and strategies for sustainable port operations and a strategic agenda to assist ports to incorporate sustainability practice, this study aims to conceptualize the structure of sustainability practices in port operations. To achieve research aims, strategic goals in implementing sustainability practice and attributes of sustainability practice that clusters the relevant practices were investigated and analyzed, undertaking face-to-face semi-structured interviews.
However, prior studies on port sustainability not only focused on environmental risk management, but also dealt with strategic objectives focused on environmental impact minimization which is insufficient to define sustainability practice due to difficulties to reflect the character of success in the real dynamic competition between ports. Therefore, to assist ports to incorporate sustainability practices in their operations, this study investigates and conceptualizes sustainability practices in the real dynamic competition between ports.
This research aims to investigate strategic goals in implementing sustainability practice in port operations and review the attributes of sustainability practice underpinning the relevant issues. In order to achieve research objectives in this topic, this study employed interview survey that offers an exploratory tool.
Further, risk reduction was also excluded because it embraces all three perspectives and can be categorized under other related issues such as reliability classified into port image improvement. Therefore, in order to enhance content validity of the findings, the goals in this topic were adopted based on agreement within all groups of respondents. The goals identified generated a high degree of overlap between the four groups of stakeholders.
This is the reason why this study is exploratory. Based on the case of Busan port, this study conceptualized the structure of sustainability practices in port operations. The relevant issues such as the strategic goals, attributes, and the challenges/barriers in carrying out sustainability practices were investigated.
Academically, the findings have significant implications which place the case of NEA in a global context, as well as investigating the relevant issues required to understand the specific and general features of sustainability practice in NEA. Therefore, the finding in this paper can be utilized in future studies on port operational management, to contribute to relevant literature by presenting the first study of port sustainability practice in this region.
제안 방법
This research aims to investigate strategic goals in implementing sustainability practice in port operations and review the attributes of sustainability practice underpinning the relevant issues. In order to achieve research objectives in this topic, this study employed interview survey that offers an exploratory tool. As the first stage of the main survey, semi-structured face-to-face interviews were developed, differing from the informality of unstructured interviews and predetermined questionnaire used in structured interviews (Smith et al.
This issue highlighted the importance of effectively embodying each theme without overlap. To clearly identify the attributes of sustainability practices in this research topic, after checking the significance of each attribute, respondents were asked to identify any overlap between attributes and check that they were clustered exactly. The four clustered attributes finally emerged with the related issues(see Figure 4).
Therefore, suggestions for future research to enhance the external validity of this research would include surveys in other ports in this region to verify the findings. Thirdly, to provide broad understanding to assist stretegic agenda to incorporate sustainability practices in their operations, this study focused on investigating the goals of sustainability practice, and clustering the relevant practices. Therefore, to provide a detailed direction to sustainable operations and derive useful operational and political implications from the findings of this study, future study on a review of the practices implemented and/or planed to be introduction are required.
대상 데이터
To achieve research aims, strategic goals in implementing sustainability practice and attributes of sustainability practice that clusters the relevant practices were investigated and analyzed, undertaking face-to-face semi-structured interviews. In order to enhance the validity of the findings, the interviews were composed of the four groups of stakeholders include internal stakeholders (port operator) and three groups of external stakeholders including economic/contractual external (e.g. terminal operators), public policy (e.g. government bodies) and community/academic groups. The interviews were undertaken at Busan port in early 2013 and analyzed by using thematic analysis (Smith et al.
The interviewees were selected on the basis of in-depth knowledge in port activities to accomplish sustainable port development and operations. In order to select appropriate interviewees with significant knowledge, this study employed the technique of the key informant method which gathers information through a selected limited number of respondents (Cousins et al., 2006; Phillips, 1981). Job position, working experience and involvement level were used to select interviewees as selection criteria.
This paper ends with a discussion of the results, drawing conclusions and recommendation for future work. The findings are expected to be utilized to provide and develop guidance for the port industry in its future improvement strategy, as well as for further research on sustainable port operations and management.
Secondly, the findings were identified by few respondents. Therefore, suggestions for future research to enhance the external validity of this research would include surveys in other ports in this region to verify the findings. Thirdly, to provide broad understanding to assist stretegic agenda to incorporate sustainability practices in their operations, this study focused on investigating the goals of sustainability practice, and clustering the relevant practices.
Thirdly, to provide broad understanding to assist stretegic agenda to incorporate sustainability practices in their operations, this study focused on investigating the goals of sustainability practice, and clustering the relevant practices. Therefore, to provide a detailed direction to sustainable operations and derive useful operational and political implications from the findings of this study, future study on a review of the practices implemented and/or planed to be introduction are required. Additionally, it would be interesting to focus on the performance of green port practices that is already adopted to simultaneously protect the environment and deliver economic benefits, an increasingly important topic, on port operations in this region.
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