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베이비붐 세대의 노년기교육에 대한 욕구
A Study on Needs for the Elderly Education of the Baby Boom Generation 원문보기

디지털융복합연구 = Journal of digital convergence, v.12 no.11, 2014년, pp.585 - 595  

양희 (한서대학교 노인복지학과) ,  한정란 (한서대학교 노인복지학과)

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본 연구는 베이비붐 세대의 노년기교육에 대한 참여의향 및 욕구를 파악함으로써 이를 바탕으로 향후 베이비붐 세대에게 효과적이고 바람직한 노년기교육 프로그램을 구축하기 위해 필요한 기초자료를 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이룰 위하여 1955년생부터 1974년생까지의 베이비붐 세대 261명을 조사 하였다. 연구결과 : 첫째 응답자의 67.4%가 평생교육의 경험이 없었으며 그중 가장 큰 이유는 시간이 없어서 이다. 둘째, 향후 노년기교육의 참여 의향을 묻는 질문에는 참가하겠다는 응답이 64.3%로 높았으며, 가장 큰 이유는 사회적 변화에 대응에 관한 지식 필요해서 이다. 셋째, 베이비붐 세대의 노년기교육 욕구를 살펴보면 사회복지기관을 통해 실습하며 건강 및 건강관련 교육을 받기를 원했다. 높은 교육, 문화적, 경제적 수준을 가진 베이비붐 세대의 욕구에 부응하는 건강에 관한 차별화된 프로그램 개발과 제공에 힘써야 할 것이다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study is to examine the Baby Boom Generation's participation intention for and needs on the elderly education. The survey research was conducted with the 261 participants who were born in 1955 through 1974 years. The results of this study are as follows : First, 67.4% of the resp...


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문제 정의

  • The purpose of this study is to examine the participation intention and need for the elderly education of the Baby Boom Generation and present basic information for development of an effective and desirable elderly education program for them.
  • The purpose of this study is to present preliminary data for establishing effective and appropriate educational program of senescence life for the baby boom generation by identifying their intention for participation and requirements as to the education of senescence life. The detailed objectives of this study are as follows.
  • Thus, most of all, it is necessary to have education to allow the baby boomers to fill and manage their prolonged senescence life more creatively and efficiently by themselves[13]. Thus, this study aims to present preliminary data for establishing effective and appropriate educational program of senescence life for the baby boom generation by identifying their intention forparticipation and requirements as to the education of senescence life.
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참고문헌 (14)

  1. Korea Stastics, 2010 Stastistics for population Census. 

  2. Han, J.R,. "The church's tasks for Baby Boomers' successful adaptation to later lives", The 7thSimposium proceeding of Shalom Welfare Center, pp.1-23, 2011. 

  3. Park, M.J., "Analysis of the Middle Generation's Awareness of and Demands for Educational Gerontology and Intergenerational Education: Centered on participants of lifelong education program", The Graduate School, Ewha Woman University, A Master Thesis, Korea, 2010. 

  4. Kim, J.Y., Lee, J. M.., "An Analysis on Elderly's Educational Need: Focus on the Difference of Age", The Korean Political Science Review, vol. 18, no.1, pp.75-101, 2010. 

  5. Kim, H.S., "Research on Senior Education Demands", The Graduate School, Hanseo University, A Master Thesis, Korea, 2008. 

  6. Lee, C.Y., "A Study on the Educational Satisfactions and Needs of Older Persons in the Senior Center-Focusing on Daejeon City", The Graduate School, Kongju National University, A Master Thesis, Korea, 2005. 

  7. Bae, J.Y., "A Study on the Educational Need Assessment of the Senior Citizens's welfare Center in Taejon", The Graduate School, Taejon university, A Master Thesis, Korea, 2000. 

  8. Kim, K.J., "The Current situation and improvement direction of Elderly Education: based on Chungcheongnam-do", The Graduate school ,Hanseo University, A Doctoral thesis, Korea, 2010. 

  9. Cha, K.M., "A research of present condition and activation plan for elder education-The university(college) construction whole life-long(society) education center-", The Graduate School, Hanseo University, A Master Thesis, Korea, 2006. 

  10. Yoo, S.J., "A Study of Current Situation of Education for the Aged and its Improvement" ,The Graduate School, University of Incheon, A Master Thesis, Korea, 2002. 

  11. Jang, J.W., "A Study on policy execution of the elderly education : Center in Chungbuk province", The Graduate School, University oh Sangmung, A Doctoral Thesis, Korea, 2008. 

  12. Lee, J.Y., "An investigation on characeristics of the baby boom generation's welfare needs for the aged", The Graduate School, Kyunghee University, A Master Thesis, Korea, 2007. 

  13. Han, J.R., "Educational gerontology" Seoul, Hakjisa, 2005. 

  14. Han, J.R., Won, Y.H., Park, S.H., & Choi, I.S. "Needs for aging education of the middle aged and the older adults", Journal of Lifelonf Education, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp.131-161. 

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