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북해용 심해 시추 선박의 유체성능 특성 평가
Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Deepwater Drillship for North Sea 원문보기

韓國海洋工學會誌 = Journal of ocean engineering and technology, v.29 no.4, 2015년, pp.300 - 308  

김문성 (삼성중공업(주) 기본설계팀) ,  박종진 (삼성중공업(주) 중앙연구소) ,  안영규 (삼성중공업(주) 기본설계팀) ,  김홍수 (삼성중공업(주) 기본설계팀) ,  전호환 (부산대학교 조선해양공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

With the increases in oil and gas prices, and energy consumption, drillship construction has increased during the last decade. A drillship using a dynamic positioning (DP) system to maintain its position and heading angle during drilling operations. In addition, a drillship is equipped with a moonpo...


AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

문제 정의

  • 본 논문은 북해용 시추선을 설계하기 위해 초기 설계 단계에서 수행한 운동해석, 비선형 파랑하중 해석, Green water 해석 및 Moonpool 공진 평가등 성능 해석 결과와 간이 계산 절차를 기술하는 데에 그 목적이 있다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (13)

  1. Aalbers, A.B., 1984. The Water Motions in a Moonpool. Ocean Engineering, 11(6), 557-579. 

  2. Buchner, B., 2002. Green Water on Ship-type Offshore Structures. Ph.d Thesis, Delft University of Technology 

  3. Ersdal, G., Kvitrud, A., 2000. Green Water on Norwegian Production Ships. Proceeding of International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering conference, Seattle, 211-218. 

  4. Faltinsen, O.M., 1990. Sea Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom 

  5. Fonseca, N., Guedes Soares, C., 1998. Time-Domain Analysis of Large-Amplitude Vertical Ship Motions and Wave Loads. Journal of Ship Research, 42(2), 139-153. 

  6. Fukuda, K., 1977. Behavior of Water in Vertical Well with Bottom Opening of Ship, and Its Effect on Ship Motions, Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 141, 107-122. 

  7. Gaillarde, G., Cotteleer, A., 2004. Water Motion in Moonpools Empirical and Theoretical Approach, Association Technique Maritime et Aeronautique, Paris. 

  8. Kim, M., Ha, M., Chun, H., 1998. Prediction of Motions and Wave Loads of a Drillship. Proceeding of KTTC seakeeping workshop, Mokpo 

  9. Kim, M., Ha, M., Lee, D., Kwon, S., 1999. Motion Charateristics of the Special Ship with Moonpool. Proceeding of the Annual Autumn Meeting, SNAK, Teajon, 428-431. 

  10. Kim, M., Park, J., Ahn, Y., Kim, B., Eom, J. 2011. Hydrodyanmic Charateristics of Drillship for North Sea. Proceeding of the Annual Autumn Meeting, SNAK, Busan, 1530-1537. 

  11. Martensson, N., 2005. Hydrodynamic Analysis of Stena Drillship. GVA consultant Report E007-HY-RP-050-0001 

  12. Det Norske Veritas (DNV), 2004. Design of Offshore Steel Structures, General (LRFD Method), Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C101 

  13. Park, J., Kim, M., Lee, H., Ahn, Y., Kim, Y., Ha, M., 2007. Development of Design Technologies for Optimum Moonpool Shapes of Drillship, Proceeding of 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, San Diego, 421-426. 

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