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피부 미백 평가 시 기미 병변 부위에서의 적색도 평가의 효용
Use of Redness Assessment in Melasma Lesions in Skin Whitening Evaluation 원문보기

大韓化粧品學會誌 = Journal of the society of cosmetic scientists of Korea, v.42 no.4, 2016년, pp.337 - 342  

이정아 ((주)엘리드) ,  김주연 ((주)엘리드) ,  이선화 ((주)엘리드) ,  김보라 ((주)엘리드) ,  김남수 ((주)엘리드) ,  문태기 ((주)엘리드)


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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Melasma has several well-recognized etiologic factors, but most researches focus on melanogenesis. The purpose of this study is to show improvement of melasma by reducing vascularity distinguished from melanogenesis. We examined 20 Korean women with both melasma and solar lentigo that were visually ...


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가설 설정

  • In this clinical study, we measured that the improvement of brightness and redness by using functional cosmetics in females who have pigmented skin. Brightness in both melasma lesions and solar lentigo lesions was improved compared with non-lesional skin.
  • A few pathogenesis of melasma such as UV light exposure, hormone change, increased vascularity, defective barrier function, and inflammation have been identified[2,5,14]. In this study, we considered solar lentigo. The pathogenesis of solar lentigo is commonly known to relate to UV light exposure[15,16].
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참고문헌 (20)

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