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The awareness level and needs for education on reducing sugar consumption among mothers with preschool children 원문보기

Nutrition research and practice, v.10 no.2, 2016년, pp.229 - 236  

Lee, Younhee (Department of Food and Nutrition, Sookmyung Women's University) ,  Joo, Nami (Department of Food and Nutrition, Sookmyung Women's University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to find out the level of knowledge on sugar-related nutrition among mothers with preschool children. SUBJECTS/METHODS: The study conducted a survey on 350 mothers whose children attended daycare. The dietary lives of the children and the nutrition...


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문제 정의

  • Therefore, this study aims to understand how much the mothers, who are responsible for their children’s diet, are aware of the need to limit sugar consumption.
  • This study also aims to understand how mothers’ nutritional knowledge affects children’s diet.
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참고문헌 (14)

  1. 1 Kim MJ Investigation analysis on the amount of the Added sugar used at secondary school foodservice [master's thesis] Seoul Konkuk University 2009 

  2. 2 Yu NH Kim MJ Han JS A study on the food intake frequency, dietary habits and nutrition knowledge of middle school students who like sweets in Busan J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 2007 36 735 744 

  3. 3 Kim JN Park S Ahn S Kim HK A survey on the salt content of kindergarten lunch meals and meal providers' dietary attitude to sodium intake in Gyeonggi-do area Korean J Community Nutr 2013 18 478 490 

  4. 4 Pyun JS Lee KH Study on the correlation between the dietary habits of mothers and their preschoolers and the mother's need for nutritional education for preschoolers J Korean Diet Assoc 2010 16 62 76 

  5. 5 Lee JS Choi YS Bae BS Association between nutritional knowledge and dietary behaviors of middle school children and their mothers Korean J Nutr 2011 44 140 151 

  6. 6 Lee JH Kang EJ Kim C The Difference of perception about nutritional problems and food intakes, nutrition knowledge score and realities of nutrition education between parents and preschool teachers Korean J Community Nutr 2011 16 636 646 

  7. 7 Jung HR Park YB Lee MJ Kim KC Kim JB Kim DH Kang SH Park IB Park JS Kwon KI Kim MH A survey on sugar intake in meals from nursery schools in Gyeonggi-do Korean J Food Sci Technol 2011 43 182 188 

  8. 8 Kang JH The Correlation Analysis of Sugars Excess-Intake and Obesity or Chronic Diseases and the Development of Sugar-Reduction Model Cheongju National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation 2013 

  9. 9 Kwon KI Yoon SW Kim SJ Kang H Kim HN Kim JY Kim SY Kim K Lee JH Jung SM Ock SW Lee EJ Kim JW Kim MC Park HK A survey on customers' perceptions of nutrition labeling for processed food and restaurant meal Korean J Nutr 2010 43 181 188 

  10. 10 Heo GJ Nam SY Lee SK Chung SJ Yoon JH The relationship between high energy/low nutrient food consumption and obesity among Korean children and adolescents Korean J Community Nutr 2012 17 226 242 

  11. 11 Kim JS Development and evaluation of a nutrition education program for reducing sugar intake among adolescents [master's thesis] Yongin Myongji University 2014 

  12. 12 Lee HS In-depth Analysis on the Dietary Intake Survey of Infant, Children and Adolescents (II) Cheongju National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation 2010 

  13. 13 Choi MH Kwon KI Kim JY Lee JS Kim JW Park HK Kim MC Kim GH Safety management of children's foods: dietary intakes of total sugar and monitoring of total sugar contents in foods Safe Food 2008 3 22 29 

  14. 14 Kang SA Lee JW Kim KE Koo JO Park DY A study of the frequency of food purchase for snacking and its related ecological factors on elementary school children Korean J Community Nutr 2004 10 453 463 

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