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Quantification of Reducing Sugars Based on the Qualitative Technique of Benedict 원문보기

ACS omega, v.5 no.50 = no.50, 2020년, pp.32403 - 32410  

Hernández-López, Alejandro (Instituto de Biotecnologí) ,  Sánchez Félix, Daniel A. (a , Universidad del Papaloapan-Tuxtepec , Circuito central 200, Parque Industrial , San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec, Oaxaca 68300 , Mé) ,  Zuñiga Sierra, Zenaida (xico) ,  García Bravo, Itzel (Instituto de Biotecnologí) ,  Dinkova, Tzvetanka D. (a , Universidad del Papaloapan-Tuxtepec , Circuito central 200, Parque Industrial , San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec, Oaxaca 68300 , Mé) ,  Avila-Alejandre, Alma X. (xico)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Determination of reducing sugars is carried out routinely in the food industry, in biological research, or pharmaceutical and biomedical quality control to estimate metabolically assimilable sugars. Widespread detection methods are complex, expensive, or highly polluting. Here, we propose the use of...

참고문헌 (19)

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