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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: A permit to work (PTW) is a formal written system to control certain types of work which are identified as potentially hazardous. However, human error in PTW processes can lead to an accident. Methods: This cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted to estimate the probability of h...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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문제 정의

  • This study aimed to estimate the probability of human errors in the PTW procedure using the SPAR-H technique. The results showed the mean probability of human error in the PTWsystem to be 0.
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참고문헌 (17)

  1. 1 De Felice F. Petrillo A. Carlomusto A. Ramondo A. Human reliability analysis: a review of the state of the art IRACST – Int J Res Manage Technol (IJRMT) 2 2012 35 41 

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  4. 4 Kletz T.A. An engineer's view of human error 2001 IChemE, Third edition CRC Press Book 

  5. 5 Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Permit to work systems guidance England [Internet]. HSE Book. 2014 [cited 2015 Jul 9]. Available from: http://www.hse.gov.uk/comah/sragtech/techmeaspermit.htm . 

  6. 6 Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Human factors: permit to work systems England [Internet] 2015 [cited 2015 Jul 9]. Available from: http://www.hse.gov.uk/humanfactors/topics/ptw.htm , London, 2005 

  7. 7 Paté-Cornell M.E. Learning from the piper alpha accident: A postmortem analysis of technical and organizational factors Risk Anal 13 1993 215 232 

  8. 8 Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Guidance on permit-to-work systems [Internet]. A guide for the petroleum, chemical and allied industries England. HSE Book. 2005 [cited 2015 Jul 9]. Available from: http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg250.htm . 

  9. 9 Hoboubi N. Jahangiri M. Keshavarzi S. Quantitative human error assessment using engineering approach in permit to work system in a petrochemical plant Iran Occup Health 11 2014 11 20 

  10. 10 Jahangiri M. Derisi F.Z. Hoboubi N. Predictive human error analysis in permit to work system in a petrochemical plant. Safety and reliability: Methodology and applications 2014 CRC Press Boca Raton (FL) 1007 1010 

  11. 11 Hosseini A.H. Jafari M. Mehrabi Y. Halwani G. Ahmadi A. Factors influencing human errors during work permit issuance by the electric power transmission network operators Indian J Sci Technol 5 2012 3169 3173 

  12. 12 Gertman D.I. Blackman H.S. Marble J. Byers J. Smith C. The SPAR-H human reliability analysis method 2005 Idaho National Laboratory Idaho Falls (ID) 

  13. 13 Gould K.S. Ringstad A.J. van de Merwe K. Human reliability analysis in major accident risk analyses in the Norwegian petroleum industry Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 2012 Sage Publications London (UK) 

  14. 14 van de Merwe K. Øie S. Gould K. The application of the SPAR-H method in managed-pressure drilling operations Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 2012 Sage Publications London (UK) 

  15. 15 Whaley A.M. Kelly D.L. Boring R.L. Galyean W.J. SPAR-H step-by-step guidance 2011 Risk, Reliability, and NRC Programs Department, Idaho National Laboratory Idaho Falls (ID) 

  16. 16 Boring R.L. Blackman H.S. The origins of the SPAR-H method's performance shaping factor multipliers Human Factors and Power Plants and HPRCT 13th Annual Meeting, 2007 IEEE 8th 2007 IEEE Monterey (CA) [CO18] 

  17. 17 Haji Hoseini A. Prediction and reduction of human errors in operators of control rooms in Yazd regional electric power supply & distribution co, using SHERPA A dissertation thesis for the fulfillment of the M.Sc. degree in Occupational Health Engineering, University of Shahid Beheshti (MC). Tehran (Iran) 2011 [in Persian] 

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