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Relationship between Attenuation of Impact Shock at High Frequency and Flexion-Extension of the Lower Extremity Joints during Downhill Running 원문보기

한국운동역학회지 = Korean journal of sport biomechanics, v.26 no.2, 2016년, pp.167 - 174  

Ryu, Ji-Seon (Department of Health and Exercise Science, College of Lifetime Sport of Korea National Sport University) ,  Yoon, Suk-Hoon (Department of Community Sports, College of Lifetime Sport of Korea National Sport University) ,  Park, Sang-Kyoon (Department of Physical Education, College of Sport Science of Korea National Sport University)

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the interrelationship between ranges of motion of the knee and ankle joints on the sagittal plane and the attenuation magnitude of impact shock at high frequency (9~20 Hz) in the support phase during downhill running. Method: Fifteen male heel-to...


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제안 방법

  • Accelerometer and kinematic data were collected while the participants were running on the treadmill at their preferred speed under level (no slope), 7° downhillslope, and 15° downhillslope conditions, in random order.
  • 1 km/h) was used as the running speed in the test. Data were collected relative to the right foot; and before running, each participant attached two lightweight (4.5 g) miniature accelerometers (Kistler PiezoBeam, type 8634B50, Kistler, Winterthur, Switzerland) on the protruding areas of the sacrum and tibial tuberosity by using an elastic belt. These accelerometers were fixed toward the long axes of the tibia and spine to acquire the vertical axis component in order to obtain the impact shock transmitted from the long axes of the tibia and spine (Ryu, 2005b; Verbitsky et al.
  • The degree of relationship between the high-frequency attenuation magnitude of impact shock and knee and ankle flexion-extension according to downhill running slope was analyzed by using the afore- mentioned procedure and data analysis, the results of which are shown in (Figures 2~7). According to the results, in level running, the increase in knee flexion-extension ROM was correlated with a greater magnitude of impact shock attenuation.
  • The magnitude of high-frequency attenuation of impact shock be- ween the tibia and sacrum was derived as the mean integral value of high-frequency range of transfer function (9~20 Hz) in relation to 3 heel strike moments selected for analysis of each participant. Ankle and knee ranges of motion (ROM) were also derived as the mean value of 3 heel strike moments.
  • However, as mentioned earlier, few studies have examined the degree of relationship between shock attenuation and kinematic functions of the joints through frequency analysis of impact shock during downhill running, which has greater injury potential due to greater eccentric muscle activities of the lower extremities. Therefore, the present study was conducted to identify the degree of relationship between highfrequency attenuation of impact shock and flexion-extension motion of the lower extremity joints during level and downhill running.

대상 데이터

  • The participants in the present study consisted of 15 men, aged 20~ 30 years (mean, 25.07 ± 5.35 years), who were rear-foot strikers during running.
  • Non-coplanar triangular reflective markers for calculating the flexionextension angles of the knee and ankle joints were attached between the femur and the lower leg segment, cap of the shoes, and the dorsal and distal parts of 5 foot joints (Ryu, 2005b). To acquire the coordinates for these markers, 6 high-speed digital cameras (Qualisys ProReflex system) were set up near the treadmill. To establish a global coordinate system, an L-shaped frame with 4 markers of known lengths was placed at the back of the treadmill.


  • Pearson product-moment correlation analysis was performed to investigate the degree of relationship between the attenuation magnitude of these high frequencies and lower extremities' ROM at strike moment.


  • Knee and ankle joint flexion-extension angles were calculated by using the joint coordinate system method suggested by Areblad et al. (1990) to derive at three-dimensional angles (Ryu, 2005b). After which, only the flexion-extension angles were used.
  • After which, only the flexion-extension angles were used. Prior to calculating the flexionextension angles, three-dimensional orthogonal coordinate values for the segment markers were calculated in relation to each time recording by using a nonlinear transformation (NLT) method. These coordinate values were filtered by using the same method as used on the acceleration signals (Stergiou et al.
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