Background: Recently, as production costs have been increasing owing to rising feed prices worldwide, shortening the age of slaughter has been recognized as a way to increase farm income. In Korea, the raising period for Hanwoo steers is over 31 months with the delay of weaning and castration stated...
Background: Recently, as production costs have been increasing owing to rising feed prices worldwide, shortening the age of slaughter has been recognized as a way to increase farm income. In Korea, the raising period for Hanwoo steers is over 31 months with the delay of weaning and castration stated as one of the reasons for the increase in the raising period. Thus far, studies on age of weaning and castration have been conducted individually, and there have been no studies on the combined effects of weaning and castration ages on the growth performance and carcass characteristics in Hanwoo steers. Methods: Weaning ages were calculated at 80 or 130 days of age, and castration ages were calculated at 90 days and 180 days of age. Calves were allocated to one of the four treatment groups: W80C90 (weaning at 80 days of age and castration at 90 days of age), W80C180, W130C90, and W130C180. Results: For the entire experimental period, weaning and castration ages did not significantly affect growth performance of Hanwoo steers. In addition, weaning and castration ages did not affect the overall yield and quality traits of carcass in Hanwoo steers. Conclusion: Weaning and castration ages had small effects on growth performance and carcass characteristics in Hanwoo steers. Therefore, the early weaning and castration ages are recommended to reduce the slaughter age without any negative effects on meat quality grade.
Background: Recently, as production costs have been increasing owing to rising feed prices worldwide, shortening the age of slaughter has been recognized as a way to increase farm income. In Korea, the raising period for Hanwoo steers is over 31 months with the delay of weaning and castration stated as one of the reasons for the increase in the raising period. Thus far, studies on age of weaning and castration have been conducted individually, and there have been no studies on the combined effects of weaning and castration ages on the growth performance and carcass characteristics in Hanwoo steers. Methods: Weaning ages were calculated at 80 or 130 days of age, and castration ages were calculated at 90 days and 180 days of age. Calves were allocated to one of the four treatment groups: W80C90 (weaning at 80 days of age and castration at 90 days of age), W80C180, W130C90, and W130C180. Results: For the entire experimental period, weaning and castration ages did not significantly affect growth performance of Hanwoo steers. In addition, weaning and castration ages did not affect the overall yield and quality traits of carcass in Hanwoo steers. Conclusion: Weaning and castration ages had small effects on growth performance and carcass characteristics in Hanwoo steers. Therefore, the early weaning and castration ages are recommended to reduce the slaughter age without any negative effects on meat quality grade.
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제안 방법
The present study was undertaken to investigate the effects of weaning and castration ages on the growth performance, blood metabolites, and carcass characteristics of Hanwoo steers. Additionally, the study was conducted to identify the optimal weaning and castration ages that can maintain meat quality while shortening the slaughter age by responding to the price decrease of high class meat or the increase of international grain prices.
Six calves were allocated per pen (5 × 10 m) with sawdust to a thickness of approximately 20 cm. Concentrate was fed three times daily (08:30, 13:00, and 17:00) using an automatic feeding system. Concentrate was restrictively fed at 1.
Statistical analysis In the present study, to estimate the environmental effects on body weight, ADG, and blood metabolite concentration based on weaning and castration ages, the following linear model was used for least squares analysis: yijkl = μ + TRTi + β1X1ij + β2X2ik + eijkl, where, μ = overall average, TRTi = effect of treatment (1–4), X1, X2 = covariation of castration age and measurement month, β1, β2 = regression coefficient, and eijkl = random error effect.
The statistically significant differences of feed intake, body weight, and concentration of blood metabolites between groups were analyzed following the generalized linear model: Yij = μ + TRTi + eij, where, μ = overall average, TRTi = effect of treatment (1–4), and eij = random error effect.
The least squares method was performed to estimate environmental effects on body weight, ADG, feed intake, FCR, and concentration of blood metabolites by combining the treatment groups (same weaning and castration ages): yij = μ + TRTi + eij, where, μ = overall average, TRTi = effect of treatment (1–4), and eij = random error effect.
EGK and JSS were participated in the feeding trial and discussed the results. BKP conceived of the study, and participated in its design and coordination and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
대상 데이터
The present study was conducted using different weaning and castration ages over almost 3 years, from March 2015 to November 2017. Forty-eight Hanwoo calves were delivered sequentially from March to April 2015 for approximately 35 days at a farm in Anseong, Gyeonggi-do.
The linear model was analyzed using SAS 9.1 [29] software package and the variance analysis was performed using Type III squared fit for unbalanced data among the four squares presented in the SAS/generalized linear model analysis. The statistical significance differences for the treatments between the least squares averages were tested with the following null hypothesis at significance level of 5%: Ho: LSM(i) = LSM(j), where, LSM (i(j)) is the least squares average of the I (j) the effects (I ≠ j).
All results of the present study were analyzed by t-tests using the least significant difference procedure of the SAS package program (release. 9.1.3 version, 2005). The statistically significant differences of feed intake, body weight, and concentration of blood metabolites between groups were analyzed following the generalized linear model: Yij = μ + TRTi + eij, where, μ = overall average, TRTi = effect of treatment (1–4), and eij = random error effect.
Factors measured included glucose, total cholesterol, albumin, total protein, triglyceride, total bilirubin, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT), non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA), creatinine, calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), and magnesium (Mg). Chemical compositions of the experimental diets were analyzed based on the method described by AOAC [1] and Van Soest [33].
This result was probably due to the influence of calf management, feeding methods, and castration age. First, there was no difference in feed intake until 3 months of age as the amount of milk suckling was limited to two times per day from 1 month after birth. Second, there was no difference in the supply of nutrients (energy, protein, and so on) because feed intake (Tables 2, 3, and 4) was similar between the treatment groups due to restricted feeding of concentrates and fixed feeding of rice straw regardless of the treatment groups.
First, there was no difference in feed intake until 3 months of age as the amount of milk suckling was limited to two times per day from 1 month after birth. Second, there was no difference in the supply of nutrients (energy, protein, and so on) because feed intake (Tables 2, 3, and 4) was similar between the treatment groups due to restricted feeding of concentrates and fixed feeding of rice straw regardless of the treatment groups. Finally, the level of stress caused by castration was similar because calves were castrated before puberty, regardless of the treatment groups.
In general, early castration has been known to be disadvantageous to carcass weight [18], yet advantageous to marbling score [5, 9, 13]. Although there was no statistically significant difference, results of the present study showed a decrease in carcass weight and increase in marbling with early castration. These results are similar to previous studies.
Therefore, the results of the present study suggest that the weaning and castration ages have a small effect on ADG, feed intake, FCR, blood metabolism, and carcass characteristics of Hanwoo steers. However, it is considered that early castration is advantageous when the slaughter age is shortened with marbling reduction (i.
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