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[국내논문] 아트로핀으로 치료하는 유기인계와 카바메이트 중독 환자의 영양지원 평가와 방법
Assessment and Methods of Nutritional Support during Atropinization in Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning Cases 원문보기

대한임상독성학회지 = Journal of the Korean society of clinical toxicology, v.18 no.2, 2020년, pp.123 - 129  

박종욱 (아주대학교 의과대학 응급의학교실) ,  민영기 (아주대학교 의과대학 응급의학교실) ,  최상천 (아주대학교 의과대학 응급의학교실) ,  고동완 (아주대학교 의과대학 응급의학교실) ,  박은정 (아주대학교 의과대학 응급의학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: Atropine is an antidote used to relieve muscarinic symptoms in patients with organophosphate and carbamate poisoning. Nutritional support via the enteral nutrition (EN) route might be associated with improved clinical outcomes in critically ill patients. This study examined the administrati...


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문제 정의

  • This study aimed to observe the administration of nutri- tional support in patients with organophosphate or carba- mate poisoning, including methods of nutritional support during atropinization. We also aimed to determine the rela- tionship between nutritional support and treatment out- comes and infectious complications.
  • This study characterized the administration of nutritional support in patients undergoing atropinization, especially according to methods of nutrition, related complications, and the effects of nutritional support. Thirty-three patients (73.
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참고문헌 (23)

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