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[국내논문] 화엄계(華嚴係) 사찰건축(寺刹建築)의 배치(配置) 특성(特性)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 공주(公州) 마곡사와 갑사를 중심(中心)으로 -
A Study on the Characteristics of Site Layout in Buddhist Temples of Hwaeom - Around Magoksa Temple and Gapsa Temple in Gongju -

대한건축학회논문집 = Journal of the architectural institute of korea, v.36 no.7, 2020년, pp.3 - 14  

송의영 (공주대학교 건축학과) ,  동재욱 (공주대학교 건축학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Among the ancient architecture of Korean, Buddhist temples are still used for the purpose of worship, prayer and performance, and residence. Buddhist temples are vulnerable to fire due to their special nature, but the majority of temples often destroyed by various wars, however, they were preserved ...


참고문헌 (25)

  1. Yun, J.S. (2008). Architecture of Korea, SNU publishing department 

  2. Architectural Institute of Korea (2014). History of Korean Architecture 

  3. Daewonsa (2009). Magoksa Temple 

  4. Hwang, I. Y. (2003). Late Korea, Early Joseon Buddhism study, Hyean 

  5. Jeong, I. G. (1973). Korean architecture type, Iljisa 

  6. Lee, B. G (2019). Three Kindoms' synthetic interpretation, Vol.2, Minjoksa 

  7. Kim, S. G., & Kim, B. H. (2005). Korean Prehistoric 

  8. Dongguk University Publishing House (2010). the lower section of the Joseon Buddhist Temple in Yeokju 

  9. Korean Society of Architectural History (2004). A Study on the History of Korean Architectural. fields and times 

  10. Chung, C. J. (2013). Establishment of the legal world of East Asia 

  11. Yoon, J. S. (2008). Korean architecture 

  12. Cultural Heritage Administration(1989). Magoksa Temple field survey report 

  13. Gongju-gun (1991). GyeryongGapsa field survey report 

  14. the Japanese Government General of Korea (1915). Joseon historical remains map book 

  15. Kim, B. Y. (1989). A study on the building composition and site layout of Buddhist architecture in Chosun Era through the dogmatic interpretation, Seoul National University doctoral thesis 

  16. Jang, H. S. (2005). A Study on the Site Layout of Beopjusa on Sokrisan, Cheongju University Doctoral thesis 

  17. Yun, S. H. (2006). A study on changes in the Beomeosa temple layout : based on the Period of Japanese occupation, Busan University doctoral thesis 

  18. Son, S. Y. (2006). A study on the Buddhist architecture of the 19th century : Seoul and Gyeonggi province, Dongguk University doctoral thesis 

  19. Hong, B. H. (2009). The process of change of site and architectural design of the Buddhist temples during the second half of the Joseon dynasty, Yonsei University doctoral thesis 

  20. Jeon, S. W. (2002). A study on the characteristics of temple architecture along West-southern waterfront during the second hapf of the Koseom dynasty, HongIk University master's thesis 

  21. You, G. Y. (2003). A study on space structure of Hwaeom faith, Geonguk University master's thesis 

  22. We, W. J. (2003). A Study on the Block planning Characteristics of the royal palace represented in Korean Buddhist Temples, HongIk University master's thesis 

  23. Seong, D. S. (2008). A Study on Feng shui logation of Magoksa Temple position, Daegu Oriental medical university master's thesis 

  24. Park, W. (2012). A study on Daewungbojen of Gongju Magoksa Temple, Dongguk University master's thesis 

  25. National Geographic Information Institute (https//www.ngii.go.kr) 

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