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사고분석 사례를 통한 사고기록장치 개선방안에 대한 고찰
Study on the Improvement of Event Data Recorders through Accident Analysis 원문보기

자동차안전학회지 = Journal of Auto-Vehicle Safety Association, v.13 no.4, 2021년, pp.66 - 72  

박기옥 (자동차안전연구원) ,  강희진 (자동차안전연구원) ,  전준호 (자동차안전연구원) ,  김희준 (자동차안전연구원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study was initiated to improve of the defect investigation method using event data recorders (EDR) and suggested a solution through the regulation and system analysis of EDR. The EDR data has been used for various purposes such as the vehicle defect investigation and the traffic accident invest...


표/그림 (7)

참고문헌 (11)

  1. Federal Register, 2011, Rules and Regulations, Vol. 76, No. 151, pp. 47478~47489. 

  2. Park, G., Kim, H., Song, J., Hong, Y. and Kwon, H., 2011, Technical trend of the event data recorders, KSAE, pp. 1257~1264. 

  3. Federal Register, 2019, Proposed Rules, Vol. 84, No. 27, pp. 2804~2806. 

  4. Federal Register, 2002, Notices, Vol. 67, No. 198, pp. 63493~63497. 

  5. Federal Register, 2004, Proposed Rules, Vol. 69, No. 133, pp. 32932~32954. 

  6. Federal Register, 2006, Rules and Regulations, Vol. 71, No. 166, pp. 50998~51048. 

  7. Federal Register, 2008, Rules and Regulations, Vol. 73, No. 9, pp. 2168~2184. 

  8. Ruth, R. R., 2020, State of EDR in US CDR Update, 2020 EDR User Conference. 

  9. Gabler, H. C. and Hinch, J. (2008), Evaluation of Advanced Air Bag Deployment Algorithm Performance using Event Data Recorders, Annals of advances in automotive medicine, 52, pp. 175~184. 

  10. Iyoda, M., Trisdale, T., Sherony, R., Mikat, D. and Rose, W., 2016, Event data recorder (EDR) developed by Toyota Motor Corporation, SAE International journal of transportation safety, 4(1), 187~201. 

  11. Viano, D. C. and Parenteau, C. S., 2004, Rollover crash sensing and safety overview (No. 2004-01-0342), SAE Technical Paper. 

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