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중학교 축구지도자의 리더십 유형과 운동 몰입 및 팀 분위기의 관계
The effect of middle school soccer coach's leadership type on sport flow and team atmosphere 원문보기

디지털융복합연구 = Journal of digital convergence, v.19 no.12, 2021년, pp.487 - 494  

오태환 (전주대학교 교육대학원) ,  이상행 (전주대학교 생활체육학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 연구는 중학교 축구지도자의 리더십 유형과 운동 몰입 및 팀 분위기의 관계 알아보는 데 그 목적이 있으며 다음과 같은 결과가 나왔다. 첫째, 인구통계학적 특성에 따라 분석한 결과 연령에서는 팀 분위기의 동료 관계 특성에서, 지도자와의 생활기간에 따른 변인으로는 상호적 리더십이 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 중학교 축구지도자의 리더십 유형과 운동 몰입의 관계를 알아본 결과 리더십 유형 중 서번트 리더십은 운동 몰입의 모든 하위요인에, 변혁적 리더십은 행동몰입에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째. 중학교 축구지도자의 리더십 유형과 팀 분위기의 관계를 알아본 결과 팀 분위기의 하위요인인 역할특성에는 모든 리더십 유형이, 동료 관계 특성에는 서번트 리더십이, 팀 특성에는 상호적 리더십이 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study aims to find out how the leadership type of middle school soccer coach affects sport flow and team atmosphere, and the results are as follows. First, as a result of analyzing the demographic characteristics, it was found that there was a significant difference in the peer relationship cha...


표/그림 (13)

참고문헌 (14)

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  7. Chang Seok Chae(2012). Effect of middle school handball coach's leadership type on player satisfaction and competition performance Mokpo National University Graduate School of Education Master's thesis.. 

  8. Jae Yong Pee(2005). Effect of leadership type of middle school soccer coach on player's satisfaction.. Daegu University Graduate School of Education Master's thesis. 

  9. Joo Heon Koh (2018).The relationship between leadership type and trust and sport flow in middle school soccer coach. Jeonju University Graduate School of Education Master's thesis. 

  10. Do Young Lee(2013). The relationship between the leadership type of soccer coaches and their trust and team performance. Jeonju University Graduate School of Education Master's thesis. 

  11. Joo Won Kim (2015).The relationship between the behavioral type of soccer coach and players' sport flow and team cohesion. Honam University Graduate School Master's thesis. 

  12. Young In Kim(2008). The effect of servant leadership of Taekwondo instructors on leader trust and sport flow. Journal of Korean Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women 

  13. Gye Yoon Lee, Jong Soo Baek (2008). The effect of transformational and transactional leadership perceived by Korean and Chinese athletes on achievement motivation, sport flow and coaching efficiency. Journal of Korean Society of Sport Psychology. 

  14. Young In Won(2017). The effect of leadership type of the captains of middle and high school soccer teams on team atmosphere, team cohesion and perceived athletic performance. Dankook University Graduate School of Education Master's thesis. 

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