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[국내논문] Selecting Appropriate Seedling Age for Restoration Using Comparative Analysis of Physiological Characteristics by Age in Abies koreana Wilson 원문보기

Journal of forest and environmental science, v.37 no.4, 2021년, pp.315 - 322  

Seo, Han-Na (Forest Bioinformation Division, National Institute of Forest Science) ,  Chae, Seung-Beom (Forest Bioinformation Division, National Institute of Forest Science) ,  Lim, Hyo-In (Forest Bioinformation Division, National Institute of Forest Science) ,  Han, Sim-Hee (Forest Microbiology Division, National Institute of Forest Science) ,  Lee, Kiwoong (Forest Ecology Division, National Institute of Forest Science)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The aim of this study was to investigate the sensitivity to environmental stress, and changes in the photosynthesis capacity in Abies koreana seedlings by age and to suggest the most effective age for restoration. To identify these physiological characteristics of A. koreana, the chlorophyll fluores...


표/그림 (6)

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