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소방공무원 안전벨트 착용률과 영향요인에 관한 연구
A Study on the Seatbelt Use and Influence Factors among Firefighters 원문보기

대한안전경영과학회지 = Journal of the Korea safety management & science, v.23 no.1, 2021년, pp.49 - 56  

백인환 (서원대학교 소방행정학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of firefighting seatbelt use and factors affecting the wearing seatbelt of firefighters. The seatbelt use of citizens was also studied for comparative study. Two T-tests were conducted to confirm the characteristics of firefighters' safe...


표/그림 (8)

참고문헌 (14)

  1. A. F. Williams, J. K. Wells(2004). "The role of enforcement programs in increasing seat belt use." Journal of Safety Research, 35:175-180. 

  2. A. T. McCartt, V. S. Northrup(2004), "Factors related to seat belt use among fatally injured teenage drivers." Journal of Safety Research, 35(1):29-38. 

  3. A. W. Block(2001), 2000 motor vehicle occupant safety survey. Vol. 2, Seat Belt Report, Silver Spring, MD: Schulman, Ronca and Bucuvalas Inc., Washington DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation. 

  4. B. Fildes, M. Fitzharris, S. Koppel, P. Vulcan(2002), Benefits of seat belt reminder systems. Department of Transport and Regional Services Australian Transport Safety Bureau, Report No. CR 211 a. 

  5. C. G. Drury, M. L. Drake(2002), "Demographic effects of behavior modeling in seat belt use: Analysis of 15,000 observations." Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 46th Annual Meeting, 1730-1734. 

  6. G. D. Nelson, P. B. Moffit(1988), "Safety belt promotion: Theory and practice." Accident Analysis and Prevention, 20(1):27-38. 

  7. J. E. Chliaoutakis, C. Gnardellis, I. Drakou, C. Darviri, V. Sboukis(2000), "Modelling the factors related to the seatbelt use by the young drivers of Athens." Accident Analysis & Prevention, 32(6):815-825. 

  8. J. J. Bentley, R. Kurrus, N. Beuse(2003), Qualitative research regarding attitudes towards four technologies aimed at increasing safety belt use. Bethesda, MD: Equals Three Communications, Inc. 2003-01; Washington DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation. 

  9. M. Hazinski, V. A. Eddy, J. A. Morris(1995), "Children's traffic safety program: Influence of early elementary school safety education on family seat belt use." Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection and Critical Care, 39(6):1063-1068. 

  10. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2002), Safety belt use in 2002-demographic characteristic. by Donna Glassbrenner, Washington DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, DOT HS 809 557. 

  11. S. Hong, D. Kim, K. Kritkausky, R. Rashid(1998), "Effects of imitative behavior on seat belt usage: Three field observational studies." Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42th Annual Meeting, 1093-1097. 

  12. S. Sutton, R. Hallett(1989), "Understanding seat-belt intentions and behavior: A decision making approach." Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 19(15):1310-1325. 

  13. T. B. Dinh-Zarr, D. A. Sleet, R. A. Shults, S. Zaza, W. W. Elder, J. L. Nichols, R. S. Thompson, D. M. Sosin(2001), "Reviews of evidence regarding interventions to increase the use of safety belts." American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 21(4): 48-65. 

  14. T. Dee(1998), "Reconsidering the effects of seat belt laws and their enforcement status." Accident Analysis and Prevention, 30(1):1-10. 

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