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[국내논문] 수도사업자의 주요 운영지표와 ILI(Infrastructure Leakage Index)와의 상관관계 분석
Correlation analysis of key operating indicators of waterworks with the Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI) 원문보기

上下水道學會誌 = Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater, v.35 no.3, 2021년, pp.237 - 246  

전승희 (단국대학교 토목환경공학과) ,  현인환 (단국대학교 토목환경공학과) ,  김두일 (단국대학교 토목환경공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The ILI, developed by the IWA (International Water Association), has been used in many countries as an indicator of water leakage. In Korea, the revenue water has been used as a performance indicator for waterworks although there is an opinion to replace it with the ILI. Hence, it has been necessary...


참고문헌 (18)

  1. Alegre, H., Hirner, W., Baptista, J.M., and Parena, R. (2000). Performance indicators for water supply services, IWA publishing 'Manuals of best practice' series. 

  2. Chung, S.H., Yu, M.J., Koo, J.Y. and Lee, H.K. (2006). Performance Evaluation of Water Loss Management in Urban Areas Using Different Performance Indicators, J. Korean Soc. Environ. Eng., 28(2), 117-127. 

  3. Chung, S.H. (2005). Development of strategic evaluation methodology for performance of water losses management in water distribution system, Ph.D Thesis, University of Seoul. 

  4. Chung, S.H., Lee, H.K., Yu, M.J., Koo, J.Y., Hyun, I.H., and Lee, H.D. (2005). "Identification of key local factors influencing revenue water ratio of Korean cities using principal component analysis and clustering analysis", Proceedings of the IWA's 3rd International Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Water in Urban Areas, Santiago, Chile. 

  5. Delgado, D.H. (2008). Infrastructure Leakage Index(ILI) as a Regulatory and Provider Tool, Ph.D., thesis, University of Arizona. 

  6. Jeon, S.H. (2014). A Study on ILI's Characteristics & Applicability for local cities in Korea, Master Thesis, Dankook University 

  7. Lee, K.H. (2012). Method to determine the average water pressure for the calculation of the minimum allowable leakage, Master's Thesis, Dankook University. 

  8. Lambert, A.O., Brown, T.G., Takizawa, M., and Weimer, D. (1999). A review of performance indicators for real losses from water supply systems, J. Water SRT-Aqua, 48(6), 227-237 

  9. Lambert, A.O., and Hirner, W.H. (2000). Losses from water supply system: Standard terminology and performance measure, IWA the Blue Pages. 

  10. Lenzi, C., Bragalli, C., Bolognesi, A. and Fortini, M. (2014). Infrastructure leakage index assessment in large water systems, Procedia Eng., 70, 1017-1026. 

  11. Liemberger, R. (2002). "Do you know how misleading the use of wrong performance indicators can be?", Proceedings of the IWA Conference on Leakage management: A practical approach, Cyprus. 

  12. Liemberger, R. and Lambert A. (2008). Benchmarking of Water Losses in New Zealand Manual. NZWWA, Appendix G. 

  13. MOE. (2010). Waterworks's design guideline, KWWA, Seoul. 

  14. MOE. (2012). Waterwork's Statistics, 2011. 

  15. Ociepa, E., Mrowiec M., and Deska, I. (2019). Analysis of water losses and assessment of initiatives aimed at their reduction in selected water supply systems, water, Water, 11, 1037. 

  16. Park N.S., Bae, J.Y., Hyun, I.H., Kim, H.Y., and Yoon, J.H. (2002). "Review On Minimum Allowable Leakage And Leakage Rate Data", KSWW Annual Conference, KSWW, Chungju, Korea, 55-58. 

  17. Pearsons, D. (2002). "Testing the UARL & ILI approach using a large UK data set", Proceedings of the IWA Conference on Leakage management : A practical approach, Cyprus. 

  18. Winarni, W. (2009). Infrastructure leakage index(ILI) as water losses indicator, Civ. Eng. Dimens., 11(2), 126-134. 

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