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실무 3D 스캐닝 및 BIM 활용을 위한 발주자 - 실무자 간 협업프로세스 모델
A collaborative process between employers and practitioners for utilization of BIM and 3D scanning 원문보기

Journal of KIBIM = 한국BIM학회논문집, v.11 no.2, 2021년, pp.33 - 42  

김도영 (한국건설기술연구원 미래융합연구본부 건설정보지능화센터)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In construction sites, policies are changing considering the convergence of 3D scanning and BIM. In order to respond to this, it is urgent to develop guidelines for systematic collaboration methods that take into account the perspectives of practitioners. By participating in the delivery process usi...


표/그림 (6)

참고문헌 (22)

  1. Alomari, K., Gambatese, J., Olsen, M. J. (2016). Role of BIM and 3D laser scanning on job sites from the perspective of construction project management personnel. Construction Research Congress, pp. 2532-2541. 

  2. Autodesk, https://www.autodesk.com/solutions/bim, (Mar. 7. 2020). 

  3. Borrmann, A., Forster, C., Liebich, T., K nig, M., Tulke, J. (2020). Germany's Governmental BIM Initiative-The BIM4INFRA2020 Project Implementing the BIM Roadmap. International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, pp. 452-465. 

  4. buildingSMART Korea (2017). BIM 적용 실효성 강화 방안 및 사례 연구 

  5. CEN/TC 442 BIM (2020), Business plan 

  6. Directive 2014/24/EU, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legalcontent/EN/TXT/?uricelex%3A32014L0024, 2020-10-30 

  7. EU BIM Task Group Handbook (2017), http://www.eubim.eu/, (Oct. 30. 2020). 

  8. European Commission 2019, https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/standards/home/bim_en.html, (Oct. 30. 2020). 

  9. Graphisoft, https://graphisoft.com/solutions/workflows/open-bim, (Mar. 30. 2020). 

  10. JBTP (2016). 3D scanner technology application and prospect (in Korean), 56, Issue&Tech. 

  11. JBTP (2019), Business announcement to support prototype production of 3D printing convergence 

  12. KICT (2015). Architectural MEP Object Reverse Engineering Technoology Development for the Facility Management, KICT 2015-180, pp. 23. 

  13. KICT (2018). BIM Roadmap and Activation Strategies for Public SOC Projects, KICT 2018-029. 

  14. Kwon, S. W. (2015). Strategy for Applying of Reverse Engineering in Construction Industry, Magazine of KIBIM (Special Issue), 5(3), pp.14-24. 

  15. Lee, S. S., Kwon, S. W. (2014). A Study on Optimal Laser Scanning method for Reverse Engineering at Interior Remodeling Project, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 15(3), pp. 1229-7534. 

  16. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (2016). Enhancement and Substantiation Plan for Core Technology of Open BIM based Architectural Design 

  17. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (2020). Roadmap for revitalizing architectural BIM ('21 ~'30). 

  18. Ministry of the Interior and Safety (2017). A plan to strengthen the effectiveness of BIM application and Case studies. 

  19. Park, H. J., Ryu, J. R., Woo, S. H., Choo, S. Y. (2016). An Improvement of the Building Safety Inspection Survey Method using Laser Scanner and BIM-based Reverse Engineering, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 32(12), pp. 1226-9093. 

  20. Park, M. W. (2015), Applications of Computer Vision Technologies for Construction Management", Review of Architecture and Building Science, 60(1), pp. 31-36. 

  21. Travaglini, A., Radujkovic, M., Mancini, M. (2014). Building information modelling (BIM) and project management: a stakeholders perspective. Organization, technology &management in construction: an international journal, 6(2), 1001-1008. 

  22. VDI 2552, https://www.vdi.de/richtlinien/unsere-richtlinienhighlights/vdi-2552, (Oct. 30. 2020). 

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