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Scan-to-BIM 자동화 기술을 활용한 건축물 단위의 BIM 모델 생성 - 강원소방학교 BIM 모델링 실증을 중심으로 -
BIM Model Generation at Building Level using Automated Scan-to-BIM Process - Focused on Demonstration of BIM Modeling for Gangwon Fire Service Academy - 원문보기

Journal of KIBIM = 한국BIM학회논문집, v.11 no.4, 2021년, pp.53 - 62  

박준우 (딥러닝 건축연구소, 세종대학교 건축공학과) ,  김재홍 (세종대학교 건축공학과) ,  김소현 (딥러닝 건축연구소, 세종대학교 건축공학과) ,  이지민 (딥러닝 건축연구소, 세종대학교 건축공학과) ,  최창순 (딥러닝 건축연구소, 세종대학교 건축공학과) ,  정광복 (딥러닝 건축연구소, 세종대학교 건축공학과) ,  이재욱 (딥러닝 건축연구소, 세종대학교 건축공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The successful implementation of Scan-to-BIM automation depends on the entire process from scanning of buildings, including indoor facilities and furniture, to generating BIM models. However, the conventional Scan-to-BIM process requires a lot of time, manpower, and cost for the manual generation of...


표/그림 (25)

참고문헌 (13)

  1. Armeni I., Sax S., Zamir A. R., Savarese S. (2017). Joint 2d-3d-semantic data for indoor scene understanding, arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.01105. 

  2. Banfi F., Fai S., Brumana R. (2017). BIM automation: advanced modeling generative process for complex structures. In 26th International CIPA Symposium on Digital Workflows for Heritage Conservation, 9-16. Copernicus GmbH. 

  3. Cheng Y. J., Qiu W. G., Duan D. Y. (2019). Automatic creation of as-is building information model from single-track railway tunnel point clouds. Automation in Construction, 106, 102911. 

  4. Huber D., Akinci B., Oliver A. A., Anil E., Okorn B. E., Xiong X. (2011). Methods for automatically modeling and representing as-built building information models. In Proceedings of the NSF CMMI Research Innovation Conference, 856558. 

  5. Jung J., Hong S., Jeong S., Kim S., Cho H., Hong S., Heo J. (2014). Productive modeling for development of as-built BIM of existing indoor structures. Automation in Construction, 42, pp. 68-77. 

  6. Ma L., Sacks R., Kattel U., Bloch T. (2018). 3D object classification using geometric features and pairwise relationships. Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 33(2), pp. 152-164. 

  7. Mill, T., Alt A., Liias R. (2013). Combined 3D building surveying techniques-terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and total station surveying for BIM data management purposes. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 19, pp. 23-32. 

  8. Patraucean V., Armeni I., Nahangi M., Yeung J., Brilakis I., Haas C. (2015). State of research in automatic as-built modelling. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 29 (2), pp. 162-171. 

  9. Qi C. R., Su H., Mo K., Guibas L. J. (2017). PoinNet: Deep learning on point sets for 3d classification and segmentation. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 652-660. 

  10. Thomson C., Boehm J. (2015). Automatic geometry generation from point clouds for BIM. Remote Sensing, 7(9), pp. 11753-11775. 

  11. Volk R., Stengel J., Schultmann F. (2014). Building Information Modeling (BIM) for existing buildings-Literature review and future needs. Automation in construction, 38, pp. 109-127. 

  12. Xu J., Ding L., Love P. E. (2017). Digital reproduction of historical building ornamental components: From 3D scanning to 3D printing. Automation in Construction, 76, pp. 85-96. 

  13. Yang L., Cheng J. C., Wang Q. (2020). Semi-automated generation of parametric BIM for steel structures based on terrestrial laser scanning data. Automation in Construction, 112, 103037. 

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