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하구둑 방류와 환경적 인자에 따른 낙동강 하구 지역 해저 지형변화 연구
Bathymetric Changes in the Nakdong River Estuary owing to Discharge from the Nakdong River Barrier and Environmental Factors 원문보기

Journal of environmental science international = 한국환경과학회지, v.30 no.7, 2021년, pp.507 - 517  

김기철 (동아대학교 융합교양대학) ,  김성보 (영산대학교 드론교통공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, the bathymetric data acquired from 2018 to 2020 and the precipitation and suspended sediment data were analyzed for changes in bathymetry owing to the discharge from the Nakdong River barrier and environmental factors, especially the torrential rain in 2020. Sediment erosion and depos...


참고문헌 (19)

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  18. Park, J. K., Khim, B. K., Lee, H. J., Lee, S. R., 2014, Recent morphological changes off the shoreface of Jinwoodo and Sinjado in the Nakdong river estuary: 2007-2012, Ocean and Polar Research, 36(2), 87-101. 

  19. Stutz, M. L., Pilkey, O. H., 2002, Global distribution and morphology of deltaic barrier island systems, Proceedings of 6th International Coastal Symposium, 25-29. 

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