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유방 확대 수술 환자를 위한 회복기 브래지어 개발
Brassieres for Patients Recovering from Breast Augmentation Surgery 원문보기

한국의류학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, v.45 no.4, 2021년, pp.598 - 611  

이경화 (가톨릭대학교 의류학 전공) ,  남영란 (공군본부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study was to investigate the necessary functions and areas of improvement in bras worn by patients during the initial three-month recovery period after a breast augmentation procedure, and a functional bra that fits properly was designed. In order to analyze the necessary functio...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. Choi, H. O. (2017). Development of dress brassiere for small breasted women (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul. 

  2. Jeong, J. Y. (2020, February 10). 가슴성형, 수술만큼 중요한 사후관리 [After care is as important as breast implants]. MoodeungIlbo. Retrieved from http://www.mdilbo.com/detail/5yPgc8/491494 

  3. Jeong, M. J. (2010, September 30). 갑갑한 브래지어, 잠자리선 벗어두세요 [Stuffy bra, take it off when you're sleeping]. The Financial News. Retrieved from http://www.fnnews.com/news/201009301711309407?ty.html 

  4. Jo, W. I. (2014, October 15). 가슴성형, 수술만큼 중요한 수술 후 관리 [Postoperative care as important as breast implants, surgery]. Sports World. Retrieved from http://www.sportsworldi.com/content/html/2014/10/15/20141015005058.html 

  5. Ko, G. R. (2017, April 11). 여름휴가 앞두고 늘어나는 가슴성형, 철저한 사후관리 필요해 [Increased breast implants and thorough follow-up care are needed ahead of summer vacation]. NewsTomato. Retrieved from http://www.newstomato.com/ReadNews.aspx?no745566 

  6. Lee, S. (2004). Complications and reasons for dissatisfaction in augmentation mammoplasty - Analysis of 42 cases of re-operation -. Journal of Korean Breast Cancer Society, 7(2), 121-125. doi:10.4048/jkbcs.2004.7.2.121 

  7. Ock, J. J. (2017, June 12). 가슴 성형 부작용 예방하려면 사후관리도 중요해 [Post-care is important to prevent side effects of breast implants]. HiDoc. Retrieved from http://www.hidoc.co.kr/news/interviewncolumn/item/C0000237636.html 

  8. Park, K. S. (2017, December 5). 이상달 원장 "가슴성형후기, 체계적인 관리가 성형결과 좌우" [Director Lee Sang Dal said, "The breast implants and systematic management depend on the results of plastic surgery"]. the Leader. Retrieved from http://theleader.mt.co.kr/articleView.html?no2017120419297824573 

  9. Yi, K.-H., & Choi, H. O. (2019). Development of the post-operative bra for breast augmentation patients. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 43(2), 215-227. doi:10.5850/JKSCT.2019.43.2.215 

  10. Yi, K.-H., & Nam, Y.-R. (2017). A study on brassiere wearing condition and satisfaction of augmentation mammaplasty patients. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 41(6), 1141-1153. doi:10.5850/JKSCT.2017.41.6.1141 

  11. Yi, K.-H., & Nam, Y.-R. (2018). A study on the brassiere wearing evaluation for augmentation of mammaplasty patients. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 42(5), 737-752. doi:10.5850/JKSCT.2018.42.5.737 

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