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기업의 감염병 예방을 위한 BCP 강화방안 연구
Strengthening BCP for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Companies 원문보기

대한안전경영과학회지 = Journal of the Korea safety management & science, v.23 no.3, 2021년, pp.11 - 18  

김영국 (단국대학교 경영대학원 재난안전경영전공) ,  정경옥 (단국대학교 경영대학원 재난안전경영전공) ,  양경아 (단국대학교 경영대학원 재난안전경영전공)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

As the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 is not decreasing, it is time for domestic companies to respond preemptively and in terms of business continuity. The purpose of this study is to present measures to strengthen BCP to prevent infectious diseases in the enterprise. In this work, three meth...


표/그림 (4)

참고문헌 (39)

  1. T. J. Chung(2020), "Contents and legislative tasks of the 「Infectious Case Control and Prevention Act」." Law Review, 20(3):289-316. 

  2. J. H. Choi, C. I. Choi(2018), "Marine accident management of Japan in terms of business continuity plan and its implications." Journal of the Korean Cadastre Information Association, 20(1):81-95. 

  3. D. J. Kim(2016), "A study on the introduction of business continuity management system for ensuring uninterrupted service of public institution based on a bottom-up method." Journal of Korean Society of Disaster & Security, 9(2):165-172. 

  4. I. H. Kim(2020), "A plan for the revitalization of public institution continuity of operations planning in the wake of COVID-10." Korea Security Science Association, Pandemic Special:11-34. 

  5. J. S. Kim(2020), "Infectious disease: Past, present, and future." Vacuum Magazine, 7(2):13-17. 

  6. N. S. Kim(2018), Research on and(2018-2022) national plan for prevention and control of infectious disease. KDCA. 

  7. S. K. Kim(2015), A national roadmap for infectious diseases R&D. Science and Technology Policy Institute, 11-1352159-00376-01. 

  8. S. D. Kim(2018), "Research on the introduction of BCM for organizations with disabilities." Master's thesis, University of Soongsil. 

  9. Y. J. Kim(2016), "A study on the strengthening of BCP for domestic companies." Master's thesis, University of Dongguk. 

  10. Y. H. Kwak(2019), Preparedness and response system for infectious disease following natural disaster. KDCA. 

  11. G. B. Kwon(2020), "Preventive measures against infectious disease and information human rights." Public Law Journal, 21(3):3-32. 

  12. K. H. Baek, J. Y. Kim(2021), "A legal study on infectious disease crisis response and healthcare big data collection." Chosun Law Journal, 28(1):3-31. 

  13. M. H. Jang(2014), "A study on the development and evaluation of Business Continuity Management Index(BCMI)." Master's thesis, University of Soongsil. 

  14. H. J. Joo, B. J. Jang(2020), "Research on the efficiency of infectious disease management system: Focused on regional infectious disease management system." The Korea Association for Local Government & Administration Studies, 34(2):353-376. 

  15. J. C. Rho(2020), COVID-19 pandemic disaster and irritations of social systems: From the perspective of an autopoietic systems theory. Society and Theory, pp. 127-181. 

  16. H. J. Shin(2015), "A basic study for securing the business continuity of local governments in the event of earthquake and tsunami." Journal of the Korea Society of Disaster Information, 11(2):227-234. 

  17. J. S. Son(2020), "A study on improvement of BCP activity for ISO 22301 certified organizations: Focusing on IT BCP cases." Master's thesis, University of Dongguk. 

  18. H. C. Song(2020), "New normal age, the need for untact solutions and business continuity plan." The Magazine of the IEEE, 47(6):37-41. 

  19. C. W. Lee(2016), A study on establishment of mid, long-term implementation strategy for national infectious disease R&D. KDCA. 

  20. G. M. Lee(2018), "An analysis of factors influencing infectious disease response: Focusing on SARS (2003) and MERS(2015)." Doctoral dissertation, University of Sungkyunkwan. 

  21. J. H. Uoo(2008), "A study on the introduction of BCP for business preparing the natural disasters." Master's thesis, Seoul National University of Science and Technology. 

  22. Y. C. Heo(2016), "Applocation of business continuity management to thermal power plant." Master's thesis, University of Incheon. 

  23. Disaster and Safety Management Basic Law. 

  24. The Act on the Prevention and Management of Infectious Diseases. 

  25. Central Disease Control Headquarters(2020), COVID-19 response guidelines NO.9. 

  26. Financial Supervisory Service(2006), Business continuity planning model standard. 

  27. Infectious Disease Crisis Management Standard Manual. 

  28. http://www.mohw.go.kr 

  29. https://www.mois.go.kr 

  30. http://www.kdca.go.kr/ 

  31. http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/ 

  32. https://news.kbs.co.kr/special/coronaSpecialMain.html 

  33. https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/newsHotIssueList.do?tagId10000050973 

  34. https://d.kbs.co.kr/now/infection 

  35. https://www.seoul.go.kr/main/index.jsp 

  36. https://www.gg.go.kr/ 

  37. https://gnews.gg.go.kr/ 

  38. https://www.korea.kr/main.do 

  39. https://blog.naver.com/mohw2016 

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