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녹용건비탕을 비롯한 한방치료로 호전된 허로 환자 1례
Consumptive Disease and Chronic Fatigue Improved by Nokyonggunbi-tang and Other Korean Medical Treatments: A Case Report 원문보기

대한한방내과학회지 = The journal of internal Korean medicine, v.42 no.5, 2021년, pp.738 - 745  

박무진 (분당자생한방병원 한방내과) ,  진소리 (분당자생한방병원 한방내과) ,  오은제 (분당자생한방병원 한방내과) ,  송우섭 (분당자생한방병원 한방내과) ,  이현석 (분당자생한방병원 침구과) ,  황규현 (분당자생한방병원 한방재활의학과) ,  오승주 (분당자생한방병원 한방재활의학과) ,  주아라 (부천자생한방병원 한방내과) ,  백수인 (경희대학교 대학원 한의과대학 임상한의학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective: This study investigated the efficacy of using Nokyonggunbi-tang and other Korean medical treatments for a patient with consumptive disease and chronic fatigue. Methods: A 59-year-old female patient with fatigue, headache, dizziness, and neck pain due to consumptive disease and chronic fat...


표/그림 (6)

참고문헌 (15)

  1. Kim JH, Kim JU, Kim KH. Review of Research Topics on Consumptive Disease and Chronic Fatigue. Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine 2013;27(5):587-93. 

  2. Cho JH, Son CG. Need for Development of Oriental Medicine-derived Systemic Treatments against Chronic Fatigue-associated Symptoms. The Journal of Korean Medicine 2009;30(4):28-36. 

  3. Kim SK, Kim MJ, Ko SJ, Park JW. A Case Study of Korean Medicine Treatment for Acute Fatigue. The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2013;spr:171-5. 

  4. Jung SP, Lee KM. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Yeungnam Univ J of Med 2007;24(1):1-10. 

  5. Kim JE, Kang KW, Kim AR, Kim JH, Kim TH, Park HJ, et al. Acupuncture for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Idiopathic Chronic Fatigue: a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society 2012;29(5):109-18. 

  6. Nam DH. The Effectiveness of Bojungikgi-tang and its modifications on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Systematic Review And Meta-analysis. J Korean Med 2020;41(1):93-106. 

  7. Fukuda K, Straus SE, Hickie I, Sharpe MC, Dobbins JG, Komaroff A, et al. The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Comprehensive Approach to Its Definition and Study. Annals of Internal Medicine 1994;121(12):953-9. 

  8. An KS, Lee JK, Kim JH, Ryu KJ, Kwon SR, Lim MJ, et al. A Case Report of the Herbal Medication Treatment and Counseling Therapy for the Chronic Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Patient. J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry 2007; 18(2);143-51. 

  9. Son MJ, Im HJ, Ku BC, Lee JH, Jung SY, Kim YE, et al. An Herbal Drug, Gongjin-dan, Ameliorates Acute Fatigue Caused by Short-Term Sleep-Deprivation: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Clinical Trial. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2018;9:479. 

  10. Yoo HJ, Kim MK, Lee DH, Park JO, Lee HH, Jeong SH. Case Reports on Neck Pain with Cervical Syringomyelia Patients Treated by Korean Medical Therapy. The Journal of Korea CHUNA Manual Medicine for Spine & Nerves 2015;10(1):107-16. 

  11. Chung KI, Song CH. Clinical Usefulness of Fatigue Severity Scale of Patients with Fatigue, and Anxiety of Depression. Korean J Psychosomatic Medicine 2001;9(2):164-73. 

  12. Kim SH, Ahn JH, Ock MS, Shin SJ, Park JY, Nan Luo, et al. The EQ-5D-5L valuation study in Korea. Quality of life research 2016;25(7): 184-52. 

  13. Song KJ, Choi BW, Kim SJ, Yoon SJ. Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Korean Version of the Neck Disability Index. J Korean Orthop Assoc 2009;44(3):350-9. 

  14. Mathias Haefeli, Achim Elfering. Pain assessment. Eur Spine J 2006;15(1):S17-24. 

  15. Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine. Laboratory Medicine. Seoul: Panmuneducation; 2015, p. 131-3. 

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