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KDS 41 17 00에 따라 설계된 저층 필로티 건물의 지진 취약도
Seismic Fragility of Low-rise Piloti Buildings Designed According to KDS 41 17 00 원문보기

한국지진공학회논문집 = Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea, v.26 no.2, 2022년, pp.49 - 58  

주창혁 (강원대학교 신산업개발 T-EMS 융합학과) ,  김태완 (강원대학교 신산업개발 T-EMS 융합학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The 2017 Pohang earthquake caused severe damage to low-rise piloti buildings. The damage was caused mainly by column shear failure, and some core walls were as well. The damaged piloti buildings in Pohang City could be relieved if they were designed correctly according to the standards at that time....


참고문헌 (13)

  1. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. The Regulations on Standards, etc. for Housing Construction. c2020. 

  2. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Korean building code-structural. c2005. 

  3. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. A study on establishment of earthquake disaster prevention measures for piloti-type buildings, etc. c2018. 

  4. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Guideline for structural design of piloti-type buildings. c2018. 

  5. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Korean building code-structural. c2016. 

  6. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Seismic design code for buildings (KDS 41 17 00). c2019. 

  7. Kim J, Kim T. Seismic fragility function for existing low-rise piloti-type buildings reflecting damage from Pohang earthquake. 2021 Nov; in press. 

  8. Computers and Structures, Inc. Perform-3D, Ver. 6.0. 

  9. Korea Authority of Land and Infrastructure Safety. Seismic performance evaluation and rehabilitation guidelines of existing buildings. c2019. 

  10. ASCE, Seismic evaluation and retrofit of existing buildings (ASCE/SEI 41-13). American Society of Civil Engineers. c2013. 

  11. Applied Technology Council. PEER/ATC-72-1, Modeling and acceptance criteria for seismic design and analysis of tall buildings. c2010. 

  12. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Hazus®-MH 2.1, Technical manual. Available from: www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/hazus 

  13. Vamvatsikos D, Cornell CA. Incremental dynamic analysis, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2002;31:491-514. 

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