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에듀테크 활용에 대한 학교와 기업의 인식차이 분석
Analysis of differences in perceptions between schools and companies on the utilization of Edutech 원문보기

디지털융복합연구 = Journal of digital convergence, v.20 no.5, 2022년, pp.1 - 10  

계보경 (한국교육학술정보원) ,  백송이 (고려대학교 교육공학과) ,  고은현 (배화여자대학교 유아교육과) ,  허두영 (한국교육학술정보원) ,  윤재희 (경기대학교 직업학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 연구는 교육에서의 ICT 활용의 중요성이 커짐에 따라 에듀테크 활용에 대한 교육현장과 산업체의 인식의 차이 및 특징을 분석하고, 요구사항을 도출함으로써 에듀테크 활성화를 위한 정책적 제언을 제시하고자 한다. 이에, 교사 201명과 100개 기업체를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여, 에듀테크 활용에 대한 필요도와 활용도를 알아보기 위한 IPA 분석Borich 요구도, 기초통계, t검증을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 에듀테크 활용의 필요도에 대해 높게 인식하고 있었으며, 에듀테크를 위한 지원이나 접근성이 부족한 것으로 인식하고 있었다. 이에, 제품 개발단계부터 활용, 사후관리에 이르기까지 현장 교사와 기업의 직접적인 교류, 에듀테크 도입을 위한 전문적 지원, 구매 프로세스 간소화 및 관련 규제 완화, 교사 특성에 따른 맞춤형 지원 및 연수 프로그램이 요구된다. 향후, 코로나-19 이후에 나타날 교육 변화를 고찰하여 알맞은 제품 개발과 활용 확산 전략이 수립되어야 할 것이다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

As the importance of ICT use in education grows, this study analyzes the differences and characteristics of perceptions of educational fields and industries on the use of Edutech, and proposes policy suggestions for revitalizing Edutech by deriving requirements. Accordingly, a survey was conducted o...


표/그림 (13)

참고문헌 (22)

  1. M. H. Jung, S. Kim & Y. J. Na. (2020). An Analytical Study on the Awareness and Demands of Professors and Students in Introducing EduTech in University-Focusing on the case of D University-. CNU Journal of Educational Studies, 41,(3) 31-53. 

  2. J. Kim. (2022). A Study on the Perception of Elementary School Teachers on the Use of Edutech. The Journal of Korean Practical Arts Education, 28(1), 37-55. 

  3. H. H. Seo & J. Park. (2021). A Study on The Perception of Pre-service Teachers on The Use of Edu Tech in School: Centering on Focus Group Interview. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 21(23), 253-273. 

  4. H. Yoon & J. S. Yun. (2020). A Direction for Product Development of Edutech Startups. Innovation Enterprise Research. 5(3), 17-32. 

  5. H. Lee. (2019). Analysis of NSP(New Southern Policy) Countries' Edutech Market for Overseas Expansion of Korean ICT-based Educational Services. International Commerce and Information Review. 21(4), 237-256. 

  6. C. Ryu, B. Kim, S. Seo & H. Jung. (2021). School Administrators' Policy Acceptance of the EduTech Projects in Special Schools for the Gifted in Science. Journal of Gifted/Talented Education, 31(2), 227-249. 

  7. J. S. Hyun & C. J. Park. (2021). Research Analysis on Edutech Acceptance of Students and Teachers in Distance Education Environment. Proceeding of The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education, 25(2(A)),155-157. 

  8. Korea Educational Development Institute. (2019). Korean Middle School Teachers and Principals through International Comparison? Teaching and Learning International Survey(TALIS) 2018 Major Results Announcement. KEDI Press Release. https://www.kedi.re.kr/khome/main/announce/selectBroadAnnounceForm.do?selectTp0&board_sq_no3&article_sq_no32809 

  9. I. S. Shin. (2019). A Case Study on the Demand for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Infant-centered Edu-Tech. Master's dissertation. Konkuk University, Seoul. 

  10. S. C. Back., S. H. Jo., N. H. Kim., M. K. Choi & K. S. No. (2016). A Study on the Application of EduTech for Multicultural People. Journal of Digital Convergence, 14(3), 55-62. 

  11. S. W. Nam. (2020). Development and Application for Edutech Based Flipped Learning. The Journal of Humanities and Social science21, 11(3), 1677-1691. 

  12. Y. S. Kim. (2016). Analysis of EduTech usage in Domestic Schools and Actual Conditions. Master's dissertation. Korea University, Seoul. 

  13. J. H. Jang, W. S. Shin & J. Koh. (2020). A Latent Profile Analysis of Teachers' AR and VR Integration. Journal of Korean Association for Educational Information and Media, 26(2), 367-393. 

  14. H. J. Han, G. J. Kim & H. S. Kwon. (2020). The Analysis of Elementary School Teachers' Perception of Using Artificial Intelligence in Education. Journal of Digital Convergenc, 18(7), 47-56. 

  15. H. S. Jang, S. W. Kim & W. C. Lim. (2019). An Analysis of the Differences in the Perception of Elementary and Secondary Teachers of English Learning Platform Based on Artificial Intelligence. The Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 19(22), 1143-1170. 

  16. D. J. Shin. (2020). An Analysis Prospective Mathematics Teachers' Perception on the Use of Artificial Intelligence(AI) in Mathematics Education. Communications of mathematical education, 34(3), 215-234. 

  17. National IT Industry Promotion Agency. (2018). 2018 E-Learning Industry Survey. 

  18. Y. H. Kim. (2019). Hunet "Expect 68% Edutech Effect in Corporate Educators." Seoul Economy. https://www.sedaily.com/NewsVIew/1VDW6J9AI4 

  19. H. G. JO. (2020). In order to improve the quality of school education, Edutech needs to be activated : Issue-Future of School. Nara Economy, 3, 32-33. 

  20. Korea Communications Agency. (2019). Edutech Industry Activated. ICT Industry HOT CLIPS. 36, 15-18. 

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  22. C. D. Borich. (1980). A Needs Assessment Model for Conducting Follow-Up Studies. Journal of Teacher Education, 31, 39-42. 

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