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2021 년 3 월에서 8 월까지 서울지역 유통 립메이크업 제품, 4 종 총 66 건을 수집하여 유해 중금속인 납, 비소, 카드뮴, 안티몬 및 니켈 함량을 측정하고 제품 유형별(립스틱, 립글로스, 립밤 및 립틴트), 생산지별(국내산 및 수입산), 사용자별(성인용 및 어린이용)로 중금속 함량을 비교하였다. 그 결과, 전체 시료의 중금속 평균값은 납 0.284 ㎍/g, 비소 0.020 ㎍/g, 카드뮴 0.003 ㎍/g, 안티몬 0.004 ㎍/g 및 니켈 0.415 ㎍/g로, 모든 시료에서 「화장품 안전기준 등에 관한 규정」납 20 ㎍/g, 비소 10 ㎍/g, 카드뮴 5 ㎍/g, 안티몬 10 ㎍/g 및 니켈 30 ㎍/g」의 허용기준 이내로 조사되었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

From March to August 2021, a total of 66 lip makeup products were collected from Seoul to measure the contents of lead, arsenic, cadmium, antimony, and nickel, and compared by product type (lip gloss, lip balm and lip tint), production area (domestic and imported), and user (for adults and children)...


표/그림 (8)

참고문헌 (26)

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  3. J. S. Park, Y. T. Yoon, S. U. Kim, H. J. Jeong, Y. K. Kim, and J. K. Lee, Analysis of chromium and neodym_ium by ICP-OES in cosmetics, roeport of S. I. H. E, 42, 233 (2006). 

  4. H. J. Jeong, Y. K. Kim, W. H. Park, M. S. Lee, I. S. Cho, and Y. Z. Chae, Analysis of hazardous heavy metals in cosmetic peaks by ICP-OES in cosmetics, Report of S. I. H. E, 44, 166 (2008). 

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  12. O. I. Ouremi and O. E. Ayodele, Lipsticks and nail polishes: potential source of heavy metal in human body, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Allied Sciences, 3(4) 45 (2014). 

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  17. P. Ziarati, S Moghimi, S. Arbabi-Bidgoli, and M. Qomi, Risk assessment of heavy metal contents (lead and cadmium) in lipsticks in Iran, Int J Chem Eng Appl, 3(6), (2012). 

  18. H. Ullah, S. Noreen, A. Rehman, A. Waseem, S. Zubair, M. Adnan, and I. Ahmad, Comparative study of heavy metals content in cosmetic products of different countries marketed in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 10(1), 10 (2017). 

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  23. M. Irfan, A. Shafeeq, U. Siddiq, F. Bashir, T. Ahmad, M. Athar, M. T. Butt, Sa. Ullah, A. Mukhtar, M. Hussien, and S. S. Lamg, A mechanistic approach for toxicity and risk assessment of heavy metals, hydroquinone and microorganisms in cosmetic creams, Journal of Hazzardous Meterials, 433, 128 (2022). 

  24. R, Sahu, P, Saxena, S, Johnson, Heavy metals in cosmetics, Centre for Science and Environment, PML/PR, 45, 4 (2014). 

  25. Korea Consumer Agency Safety Monitoring Team, Safety Investigation of Children Cosmetics, 2 (2014). 

  26. J. D, Kim, The study on elementary students current conditions of cosmetics usage, AJMAHS, 7(5), 381 (2017). 

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