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[국내논문] 머신러닝 자동화 알고리즘을 이용한 수질예측 모형 구축
Development of a model to predict water quality using an automated machine learning algorithm 원문보기

上下水道學會誌 = Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater, v.36 no.6, 2022년, pp.329 - 337  

박정수 (국립한밭대학교 건설환경공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The management of algal bloom is essential for the proper management of water supply systems and to maintain the safety of drinking water. Chlorophyll-a(Chl-a) is a commonly used indicator to represent the algal concentration. In recent years, advanced machine learning models have been increasingly ...


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