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Distribution characteristics of Manchurian and China-Japan-Korea flora in Korean Peninsula 원문보기

Journal of ecology and environment, v.46 no.3, 2022년, pp.259 - 272  

Kim, Nam Shin (National Institute of Ecology) ,  Lim, Chi Hong (National Institute of Ecology) ,  Cha, Jin Yeol (National Institute of Ecology) ,  Cho, Yong Chan (Korea National Arboretum) ,  Jung, Song Hie (Korea National Arboretum) ,  Jin, Shi Zhu (College of Geography and Ocean Science, Yanbian University) ,  Nan, Ying (College of Geography and Ocean Science, Yanbian University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: The Korean Peninsula exhibits a characteristic graded floral distribution, with northern (Manchurian flora) and southern (China-Japan-Korea flora) lineage species coexisting according to climatic and topographical characteristics. However, this distribution has been altered by climate ch...


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