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도심항공교통(Urban Air Mobility) 운영 최적화 연구 동향에 관한 연구
Research on Urban Air Mobility Operations Optimization Research Trends 원문보기

Journal of the convergence on culture technology : JCCT = 문화기술의 융합, v.9 no.3, 2023년, pp.701 - 706  

정지복 (공주대학교 산업유통학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

우리나라 정부와 산업계는 도심항공교통(UAM) 서비스 상용화를 위한 로드맵을 제시하고 본격적으로 추진하고 있다. 본격적인 UAM 서비스의 도입을 위해서는 우수한 성능의 기체개발, 네트워크 거점과 회랑(corridor) 설계, 운영관리 최적화, 관련 법과 제도의 정비 등 해결해야 할 다양한 이슈를 가지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 운영관리 최적화 측면에서 우리나라를 중심으로 분야별 연구 동향을 살펴보고 추후 해결해야 할 연구 주제를 정리하여 제시하고자 한다. 국내 연구자는 UAM 서비스 이용요금, 이용 의도와 수용 모델, 버티포트 위치선정을 중심으로 연구가 진행되고 있으나 향후에는 서비스 주문 수락(order acceptance), 항공기 재배치(repositioning), 배터리 충전과 유지보수(charging and maintenance) 스케쥴링 등의 운영 최적화 연구가 필요함을 제시하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The Korean government and industry have presented a roadmap for the commercialization of UAM services and are promoting it in earnest. In order to introduce full-scale UAM services, there are various issues to be solved, such as the development of high-performance aircraft, the design of network bas...


참고문헌 (21)

  1. S. Lee, Y. Eun, and D. Jeon, "Research Trends?in UAM Traffic Management: Focused on?Studies of NASA," Current Industrial and?Technological Trends in Aerospace, Vol. 20, No.?1, pp. 55~64, 2022 

  2. UAM Team Korea, K-UAM Concept of Operations?1.0, 2021. 

  3. S. Baek, C. H. Song, and J. H. Jeon, Analysis of?Research Trends Related to Urban Air Mobility?(UAM) through Dynamic Topic Modeling,"?Innovation Studies, , Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 119-142,?2023. https://doi.org/10.46251/INNOS.2023. 

  4. J. Choi, and & Y. M. Choi, "Prerequisites for?Realizing Urban Air Traffic (UAM) and Personal?Air Vehicle (PAV)," Journal of the Korea?Convergence Society, Vol. 11, No. 12, pp. 147-153,?2020. https://doi.org/10.15207/JKCS.2020.11.12.147 

  5. J. W. Kang, Assessment Framework for Vertiport?Location Determination, Ph.D Thesis, Hongik?University, 2023. 

  6. J. H. Choi, Y. Park, and I. S. Jeon, "A Study on?the Cost of Fare for UAM (Urban Air Mobility)?Airport Shuttle Service," Journal of Korean?Society of Transportation, Vol. 39, No. 5, pp.?593-605. 2021. https://doi.org/10.7470/jkst.2021.39.5.593 

  7. H. S. Lee, S. B. Lee, and J. B. Lim, "Analysis of?Preference for UAM of Public Transportation?Users Following UAM Adoption," J. Korea Inst.?Intell. Transp. Syst, Vol. 21, No. 5. pp. 1-14, 2022. 

  8. H. G. Ju, and J. W. Park, "Analysis of Factors?Affecting the Adoption of Urban Air Mobility?(UAM)," Journal of the Korean Society for?Aviation and Aeronautics, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp.?96-104,2021. https://doi.org/10.12985/ksaa.2021.29.4.096 

  9. S. H. Min, A Study on the Factors Affecting the?Intention to Use the Urban Air Mobility?Passenger Transportation Service, Ph.D Thesis,?Soongsil University, 2022. 

  10. J. W. Lee, H. Choi, and S. Hong, "Factors?Influencing the Intention to Use UAM (Urban Air?Mobility) and Acceptance of Ground Infrastructure?(Vertiport)," Journal of Korea Planning?Association, Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 25-36, 2022.?https://doi.org/10.17208/jkpa.2022. 

  11. J. S. Oh, and H. Y. Hwang, "Selection of Vertiport?Location, Route Setting and Operating Time?Analysis of Urban Air Mobility in Metropolitan?Area," Journal of the Advanced Navigation?Technology, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 358-367, 2020. 

  12. J. Y. Jeong, and H. Y. Hwang, "Selection and?Evaluation of Vertiports of Urban Air Mobility?(UAM) in the Seoul Metropolitan Area using the?K-means Algorithm," Journal of the Advanced?Navigation Technology, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 8-16,?2021. 

  13. E. Lim, and H. Y. Hwang, "The Selection of?Vertiport Location for On-Demand Mobility and Its?Application to Seoul Metro Area," Int. J. Aeronaut.?Space Sci, Vol. 20, pp. 260-272. 2019.?https://doi.org/10.1007/s42405-018-0117-0 

  14. S. W. Kwak, "A Study on the Social Acceptance?Model for New Mobility Service," Korean?Management Consulting Review, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp.?415-423, 2020. 

  15. M. C. Jung, K. S. Yu, and M. G. Yoon, "UAM Vertiport Site Selection Criteria and Importance?Analysis Based on ANP Model," Journal of the?Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics, Vol.?19, No. 5, pp. 3-19, 2021. https://doi.org/10.30529/amsok.2021.19.5.001 

  16. W. J. Kim, and J. H. Park, "A Study on the Factors?affecting UAM Vertiport Location Selection,"?Journal of Urban Studies and Real Estate, Vol. 13,?No. 2, pp. 119-137, 2022. http://doi.org/10.21447/jusre.2022.13.2.119 

  17. T. G. Yoon, and S. H. Kim, Re-balancing :?Tactical Strategy for Efficient UAM Operation,?Proceeding of Korean Aerospace Society?Conference, pp. 124-135, 2022. 

  18. L. C. Willey, and J. L. Salmon, "A method for?Urban Air Mobility Network Design using Hub?Location and Subgraph Isomorphism,"?Transportation Research Part C: Emerging?Technologies, Vol. 125, pp. 1-23, 2021.?https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2021.102997. 

  19. F. Li, S. Xu, and Z. Xu, "New Exact and?Approximation Algorithms for Integrated?Production and Transportation Scheduling with?Committed Delivery Due Dates and Order?Acceptance," European Journal of Operational?Research, Vol. 306, No. 1, pp. 127-140, 2023.?https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2022.07.030. 

  20. B. Legros, "Dynamic repositioning strategy in a?bike-sharing system; how to prioritiz and how?to rebalance a bike station," European Journal of?Operational Research, Vol. 272, No. 2, pp. 740-753,?2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.06.051. 

  21. B. C. Choi, and J. Chung, "Scheduling for Drone?Operation and the Battery Charging," Journal of the?Korean Society of Supply Chain Management, Vol.?21, No. 1, pp. 23-35 2021. https://doi.org/110.25052/KSCM.2021. 

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