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이륜차 무인교통단속장비 개발 및 표준규격 연구
A Study on the Development and Standard Specification of Unmanned Traffic Enforcement Equipment for Two-Wheeled Vehicles 원문보기

韓國ITS學會 論文誌 = The journal of the Korea Institute of Intelligent Transportation Systems, v.22 no.1, 2023년, pp.126 - 142  

인병철 (도로교통공단 교통운영연구처) ,  유성준 (도로교통공단 서울특별시지부) ,  한음 (도로교통공단 교통운영연구처) ,  이경진 (아주대학교 교통공학과) ,  박성호 (인피닉 미래전략실)


본 연구는 이륜차 법규위반 및 교통사고 예방을 위한 무인교통단속장비 및 표준규격 개발을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 현재 운영중인 무인교통단속장비의 이륜차 단속의 문제점 및 신기술 검토를 진행하였고, 설문조사를 통해 이륜차 무인교통단속장비 도입타당성 및 기술현황을 조사하였다. 또한 개발장비 현장실험을 통해 이륜차 단속기능을 구현하였고, 성능개선을 통해 단속대상 추가 및 번호인식률이 향상되었다. 현장실험 및 성능평가 결과를 바탕으로 이륜차 무인교통단속장비의 성능기준을 마련하였고 통신프로토콜에서는 차종분류코드 및 위반항목에 이륜차에 관한 사항을 신규로 구성하여 규격을 개발하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study is to develop unmanned traffic enforcement equipment and standard specifications for the prevention of traffic accidents and violations of the two-wheeled vehicle laws. To this end, we conducted a review of the problems and new technologies of the currently operating unmann...


참고문헌 (16)

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  3. Korea Labor Institute(2019), A Study on the Status and Proctection of Delivery Workers. 

  4. Korea Road Traffic Authority(2018), Appropriate installation plan for unmanned traffic enforcement?equipment and next-generation operation strategy. 

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  6. Korean National Police Agency(2020a), Police Specifications for Unmanned Traffic Enforcement?Equipment. 

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  10. Lee, J. Y.(2020), "Artificial Intelligence Image Recognition Technology Trend", Telecommunications?Technology Association Journal, vol. 187, pp.45-51. 

  11. Lee, S. H.(2017), Recent Artificial Intelligence Development Trends and Future Evolution Direction,?LG Business Research. 

  12. Lee, S. O., Lee, C. K. and Yun, I.(2022), "Improvement and Implementation of Unmanned Traffic?Enforcement Equipment", The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems,?vol. 21, no. 5, pp.42-45. 

  13. Lim, J., Kim, H., Cho, H. and Lee, H.(2021), "A Study on the Driving Behavior of Delivery Two?Wheeled Vehicles-Focusing on Apartment Complexes", Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, vol. 22, no. 9, pp.19-27. 

  14. Lv, H., Li, H., Sze, N. N. and Ren, G.(2022), "The impacts of non-motorized traffic enforcement?cameras on red light violations of cyclists at signalized intersections", Journal of Safety?Research, vol. 83, pp.310-322. 

  15. Rheu, J. H., Choi, D. H. and Kim, Y. M.(2019), "Method of Detecting a Parking Violation Using Deep?Learning Tracking", Journal of The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, vol. 56,?no. 9, pp.67-74. 

  16. Shin, W. S.(2008), Shadow Detection Algorithm Using Principal Component Analysis in Video-Based?Traffic Monitoring System, Doctoral Dissertation, Konkuk University. 

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