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자율주행 차량의 실도로 주행을 위한 안전 시나리오 기반 인간중심 시스템 성능평가
Toward Real-world Adoption of Autonomous Driving Vehicle on Public Roadways: Human-Centered Performance Evaluation with Safety Critical Scenarios 원문보기

자동차안전학회지 = Journal of Auto-Vehicle Safety Association, v.15 no.2, 2023년, pp.6 - 12  

국윤영 (서울대학교 공과대학 기계공학부) ,  이경수 (서울대학교 공과대학 기계공학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

For the commercialization and standardization of autonomous vehicles, demand for rigorous safety criteria has been increased over the world. In Korea, the number of extraordinary service permission for automated vehicles has risen since Hyundai Motor Company got its initial license in March 2016. Ne...


표/그림 (15)

참고문헌 (11)

  1. KPMG, 2020, "Projected autonomous vehicle market?size worldwide between 2021 and 2025", Fuel?Forecourt Retail Market. 

  2. KPMG, 2020, "Index results", 2020 Autonomous?Vehicles Readiness Index. 

  3. Fahrenkrog, F., 2014, "Evaluation of automated?driving functions", ITS Europe. 

  4. 김예진 et al., 2021, "국내외 자율주행차 테스트베드 분석 기반 K-City 발전 전략 수립에 관한 연구",?한국ITS학회논문지, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 28~45. 

  5. 국회입법조사처, "자율주행자동차 관련 국내외 입법정책 동향과 과제", NARS 현안보고서, Vol. 314. 

  6. Human-centered risk assessment of an automated?vehicle using vehicular wireless communication",?IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation?Systems 20.2 (2018): 667~681. 

  7. 이환진, 정헌영, 2021, "안전속도 5030 시행에 따른?제한속도 및 도로서비스 질의 개선방안에 관한 연구", KSCE Journal, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 405~416. 

  8. ISO, 2014, "ISO 11270 Intelligent transport systems?- lane keeping assistance systems - performance?requirements and test procedures". 

  9. Chae, H. and Yi, K., 2020, "Virtual Target-Based?Overtaking Decision, Motion Planning, and Control?of Autonomous Vehicles", IEEE Access, Vol. 8,?pp. 51363~51376. 

  10. Jiang, Q., 2021, "Evaluation of tractor driving comfort?according to the steering angle and speed using a?virtual prototype", Proceedings of the Institution of?Mechanical Engineers Part D Journal of Automobile?Engineering. 

  11. 장한기, 김승한, 조영호, 2000, "차량승차감 평가지수 개발에 대한 연구", 한국소음진동학술대회논문집, pp. 132~137. 

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