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여가전문화와 자원소비행동을 이용한 낚시인의 친환경행동 참여과정 연구
A Study on Recreational Anglers' Participation Process of Environmentally Responsible Behaviors Using Recreation Specialization and Consumptive Orientation Behaviors 원문보기

水産經營論集 = The journal of Fisheries Business Administration, v.54 no.3, 2023년, pp.1 - 16  

오치옥 (전남대학교 문화전문대학원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

For the sustainable use of fishery resources as common resources and the mitigation of conflicts with commercial fishermen, it is essential to understand recreational anglers' participation process of environmentally responsible behaviors (ERB). This study intends to show that the effects of recreat...


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