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Examining Nutritional and Dietary Risk Factors Across Weight Classes in Elementary School Students using Busan Office of Nutrition Education Center's Dietary Diagnosis System 원문보기

대한영양사협회 학술지 = Journal of the Korean dietetic association, v.29 no.4, 2023년, pp.199 - 210  

송진선 (부산광역시교육청 인성체육급식과) ,  한영신 (대구가톨릭대학교 식품영양학과) ,  이경아 (대구가톨릭대학교 식품영양학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study was undertaken to analyze the growth, nutritional, and dietary risk factors of elementary school students belonging to the Busan Metropolitan City Office of Education and provide the basic data needed to develop an underweight and obesity prevention program. In 2021, BMI and Dietary Scree...


표/그림 (5)

참고문헌 (25)

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  24. Yoon HB, Song JS, Han Y, Lee KA (2023): Analysis of the?diet of obese elementary school students using various dietary intake survey methods. J Nutr Health 56(1):97-111 

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