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[국내논문] Optimizing Business Opportunities: The Evolving Landscape of Smart Cities in South Korea

Asian journal of business environment, v.14 no.2, 2024년, pp.1 - 10  

Yooncheong CHO (KDI School of Public Policy and Management) ,  Jooyeol MAENG (KDI School of Public Policy and Management)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the essential factors contributing to the growth and success of smart cities, providing a comprehensive analysis of key elements that are crucial in fostering the development of smart cities. This study explored the impacts of technology-driven ap...


표/그림 (5)

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가설 설정

  • This study underscores the significance of diverse corporate involvement in shaping smart cities through contribution to technological innovation, market revitalization, and the creation of robust industrial ecosystem. Building upon these considerations, the present study hypothesizes that corporate participation influences overall attitudes toward the smart city.
  • (2022) pointed out the insufficient research on how smart cities impact human happiness and proposed a happiness-driven smart city mechanism grounded in a set of strategic measures. Building upon these considerations, the present study hypothesizes that overall attitude influences the growth trajectory of smart cities and satisfaction with smart cities.
  • (2020) emphasized the pivotal role of ICT in the smart cities concept, particularly in policy design, decision-making, implementation, and the delivery of ultimate productive services. Building upon these considerations, the present study hypothesizes that technology-driven applications influences overall attitudes toward the smart city.
  • This study posits that citizens can engage in community by providing opinions for the development of smart city. Building upon these considerations, the present study hypothesizes that the citizen co-creation influences overall attitudes toward the smart city.
  • (2015) highlighted that the management capacity of local government plays a mediating role in the impact of financial investment on the implementation of green economic strategies. Building upon these considerations, the present study hypothesizes that the city-led strategic governance influences overall attitudes toward the smart city.
  • This study posits that smart cities can contribute the sustainable environment by applying eco-friendly energy, smart waste management system, and other green management policies. Building upon these considerations, the present study hypothesizes that the implementation of sustainable urban practices influences overall attitudes toward the smart city.
  • (2022) emphasized the significance of scholars and experts with robust knowledge of local smart city initiatives in formulating strategic measures for achieving happiness-driven smart city objectives. Building upon these considerations, the present study hypothesizes that the role of experts influences overall attitudes toward the smart city.
  • H1: Technology-driven applications have a significant impact on the overall attitude towards smart cities.
  • H2: Corporate participation has a significant impact on the overall attitude towards smart cities.
  • H3: The role of experts has a significant impact on the overall attitude towards smart cities.
  • H4: Citizen co-creation has a significant impact on the overall attitude towards smart cities.
  • H5: City-led strategic governance has a significant impact on the overall attitude towards smart cities.
  • H6: Sustainable urban practices have a significant impact on the overall attitude towards smart cities.
  • H7: Overall attitude has a significant impact on the growth trajectory of smart cities.
  • H8: Overall attitude has a significant impact on the satisfaction with smart cities.
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