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[국내논문] Comparative Analysis of Supervised and Phenology-Based Approaches for Crop Mapping: A Case Study in South Korea

대한원격탐사학회지 = Korean journal of remote sensing, v.40 no.2, 2024년, pp.179 - 190  

Ehsan Rahimi (Agricultural Science and Technology Institute, Andong National University) ,  Chuleui Jung (Agricultural Science and Technology Institute, Andong National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study aims to compare supervised classification methods with phenology-based approaches, specifically pixel-based and segment-based methods, for accurate crop mapping in agricultural landscapes. We utilized Sentinel-2A imagery, which provides multispectral data for accurate crop mapping. 31 nor...


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제안 방법

  • The comparison of these two approaches allowed for a comprehensive evaluation of their performance in the study area. Additionally, the study employed field surveys and ground truth data to assess the accuracy of the classified maps, utilizing metrics such as overall accuracy and the kappa coefficient. The results of the study demonstrated that the phenology-based approach, particularly the segment-based method, achieved acceptable classification accuracies, indicating its effectiveness in differentiating various crop types.
  • These points were then cross-referenced with Google Earth imagery and the previously collected field data to determine the actual crop type for each point. By comparing the assigned crop type from the classified map with the actual crop type, and confusion matrix, the overall accuracy and kappa coefficients were calculated as evaluation metrics for the classification accuracy.
  • To perform this step, we conducted a field survey of the study area in August 2022 to visually identify and locate the different crop types present. Given that the study area was primarily dominated by rice crops, we focused on recording the locations of other crops using GPS devices. These recorded locations served as training samples in the ENVI software, which allowed us to train the MaxLike algorithm for the accurate classification of crop types in the study area.
  • In regions like South Korea with a high frequency of rainy and cloudy days, particularly during the peak vegetation growth period, and where agricultural parcels are predominantly small (less than 1 hectare), mapping crops using phenology-based approaches can be challenging. In this study, we aim to compare the effectiveness of a phenology-based approach and a supervised approach (Maximum likelihood classification termed MaxLike) algorithm, in crop classification.
  • They also observed that incorporating a multi-temporal approach enhanced the accuracy for specific crop types. The researchers then shifted towards using object-based methods after initially employing simple pixel-based classification. The comparison revealed that object-based methods exhibited higher ability and performance compared to pixel-based methods for land-cover classification (Ma et al.


  • In the supervised classification step, we employed the MaxLike algorithm at the pixel level to compare the results with the phenology-based approach. To perform this step, we conducted a field survey of the study area in August 2022 to visually identify and locate the different crop types present.
  • Given that the study area was primarily dominated by rice crops, we focused on recording the locations of other crops using GPS devices. These recorded locations served as training samples in the ENVI software, which allowed us to train the MaxLike algorithm for the accurate classification of crop types in the study area.
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참고문헌 (36)

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