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NTIS 바로가기한국농공학회논문집 = Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers, v.66 no.3, 2024년, pp.1 - 14
고재준 (Department of Rural Systems Engineering, Global Smart Farm Convergence Major, Seoul National University) , 이혁진 (Department of Rural Systems Engineering, Global Smart Farm Convergence Major, Seoul National University) , 박진석 (Department of Rural Systems Engineering, Global Smart Farm Convergence Major, Seoul National University) , 장성주 (Department of Rural Systems Engineering, Global Smart Farm Convergence Major, Seoul National University) , 이종혁 (Department of Rural Systems Engineering, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University) , 김동우 (Department of Rural Systems Engineering, Global Smart Farm Convergence Major, Seoul National University) , 송인홍 (Department of Rural Systems Engineering, Global Smart Farm Convergence Major, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University)
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