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Ergonomics is Good for Business

Work study, v.43 no.8, 1994년, pp.7 - 12  

Rowan, Marilyn P ,  Wright, Phillip C

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Ergonomics refers to the complex relationship between workers and their work that permeates every aspect of the workplace. Originally defined in 1717 by Bernadino Ramazinni, an Italian physician credited as the founder of occupational medicine, it is only recently that ergonomics has attracted wides...


참고문헌 (50)

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  37. 37. Smith, M.J. and Sainfort, P.C., “Not by Ergonomics Alone”, Facilities Design & Management, Vol. 8 No. 2, February 1989, pp. 60­1. 

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  41. Fernberg, P.M., “Meeting Your Conference Room Needs”, Modern Office Technology, Vol. 34 No. 6, June 1989, pp. 49­52. 

  42. Filipowski, D., “Problems Are Common Among Shift Workers”, Personnel, Vol. 72 No. 8, August 1993, p. 34. 

  43. Fragala, G., “Reducing the Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders”, Professional Safety, September 1993, Vol. 37 No. 9, pp. 22­5. 

  44. Hans, M., “Take the Pain Out of Materials Handling”, Safety & Health, Vol. 147 No. 3, March 1993, pp. 54­6. 

  45. Kantor, A., “Making the Workplace a Fit Place”, Business & Health, Vol. 9 No. 7, July 1991, pp. 70, 72. 

  46. Kruk, L.B. “Why Consider Seating Last”, Office, Vol. 109 No. 6, June 1989, pp. 45­50. 

  47. LeBar, G., “Succeeding with Ergonomics”, Occupational Hazards, Vol. 54 No. 4, April 1992, pp. 29­33. 

  48. 10.1177/216507999204000306 McCasland, L.J., “Development of an Ergonomic Programme for the Meatpacking Industry”, AAOHN Journal, Vol. 40 No. 3, March 1992, pp. 138­42. 

  49. Pipinich, R.E., Getty, R.L. and Abbot, W.L., “Ergonomics: A High Priority at Lockheed Fort Worth Facility”, Industrial Engineering, Vol. 25 No. 7, July 1993, pp. 20­2. 

  50. 10.1177/216507999204000305 Travers, P.H., “Implementing Ergonomic Strategies in the Workplace: An Occupational Health Nursing Perspective”, AAOHN Journal, Vol. 40 No. 3, March 1992, pp. 129­37. 

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