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[해외논문] Affinity-Driven Design of Cargo-Switching Nanoparticles to Leverage a Cholesterol-Rich Microenvironment for Atherosclerosis Therapy 원문보기

ACS nano, v.14 no.6, 2020년, pp.6519 - 6531  

Kim, Heegon ,  Kumar, Sandeep ,  Kang, Dong-Won ,  Jo, Hanjoong ,  Park, Ji-Ho

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Atherosclerotic plaques exhibit high deposition of cholesterol and macrophages. These are not only the main components of the plaques but also key inflammation-triggering sources. However, no existing therapeutics can achieve effective removal of both components within the plaques. Here, we report c...


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