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[해외논문] The adsorption and mechanism of the nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin in different types of soils 원문보기

Royal Society Open Science, v.7 no.9, 2020년, pp.200259 -   

Zhang, Zhongqing (Key Laboratory of Soil Resource Sustainable Utilization for Jilin Province Commodity Grain Bases, College of Resources and Environmental Science, Jilin Agricultural University , Changchun 130118 , People's Republic of China) ,  Gao, Qiang (Key Laboratory of Soil Resource Sustainable Utilization for Jilin Province Commodity Grain Bases, College of Resources and Environmental Science, Jilin Agricultural University , Changchun 130118 , People's Republic of China) ,  Yang, Jingmin (Key Laboratory of Soil Resource Sustainable Utilization for Jilin Province Commodity Grain Bases, College of Resources and Environmental Science, Jilin Agricultural University , Changchun 130118 , People's Republic of China) ,  Li, Yue (Ecological Environment Bureau of the Changchun Jingyue Economic Development Zone , Changchun 130118 , People's Republic of China) ,  Liu, Jinhua (Key) ,  Wang, Yujun ,  Su, Hongge ,  Wang, Yin ,  Wang, Shaojie ,  Feng, Guozhong

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The nitrapyrin was easily adsorbed by soil, but most current studies have focused on comparing the effects of nitrapyrin application at different soil organic matter levels and in different soil types. The adsorption kinetics and isotherm adsorption of the nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin in black...


참고문헌 (45)

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