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The Effects of The Science Lesson Applying the Backward Design Model on Science Core Competency of 2015 Revised Science, Science Process Skills, and Scientific Communication Ability
백워드 설계 모형을 적용한 과학 수업이 2015 개정 과학과 핵심역량, 과학적 탐구능력, 과학적 의사소통능력에 미치는 영향

水産海洋敎育硏究 = Journal of fisheries and marine sciences education, v.32 no.1, 2020년, pp.211 - 221  

LEE, Hyeong-Seok ,  YOO, Pyoung-Kil

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (19)

  1. Alvin Toffler(1980). The Third Wave, ISBN 0-517-32719-8 

  2. Chae HI(2017). A Development and Application of Elementary Science Teaching Strategy by Restructuring The Science core Competency. A doctor's thesis, Gyeongin National University of Education. 

  3. Choi JA(2019). A Study on Effects of Class based on Science Practices on Cultivating Middle School Students’ Science Core Competencies. A master’s thesis, Ewha Womans University. 

  4. Garvey, W.D., Griffith, B.C.. Communication and information processing within scientific disciplines: Empirical findings for Psychology. Information storage and retrieval, vol.8, no.3, 123-136.

  5. Ha MS, Park HJ, Kim YJ, Kang NH, Oh PS, Kim MJ, Min JS, Lee YH, Han HJ, Kim MG, Ko SW and Son MH(2018). Developing and Applying the Questionnaire to Measure Science Core Competencies Based on the 2015 Revised National Science Curriculum. Journal of the Korean Association for Science Education, 38(4), 495~504. 

  6. Ham JH(2017). The effects of the application of Backward Course Design in elementary school science on 'Biological and environmental' section. A master’s thesis, Pusan National University. 

  7. Jang DH(2016). The Effects of SSI Program on Scientific Communication Skills and Science-Related Attitudes of Elementary School Students. A master’s thesis, Busan National University of Education. 

  8. Jeon SS(2013). Deveopment of Scientific Communication Skills Test for Elementary School Students. A doctor's thesis, Korea National University of Education. 

  9. Jung HW(2018). Development and Application Scientific Inquiry Program for Elementary School Students based on Backward Design. A master’s thesis, Gyeongin National University of Education. 

  10. Kim EH(2017). The Application Effect of the Science Writing Activity based on the Core Capability Elements in the Elementary Science Class. A master’s thesis, Gyeongin National University of Education. 

  11. Kim YJ(2017). Development of the Teaching and Learning Program for Improving Elementary School Students’ Core Competencies in Science. A master’s thesis, Gwangju National University of Education. 

  12. Koo NY(2017). Science Classes Applying Backward Design on Science Learning Motivation and Academic Achievement. A master’s thesis, Busan National University of Education. 

  13. Kwon JS and Kim BK(1994). The Development of an Instrument for the Measurement of Science Process Skills of the Korean Elementary and Middle School Students.Journal of the Korean Association for Science Education,14(3),251-264. 

  14. Ministry of Education(2015a). Elementary・Secondary Curriculum Standards. Announcement by Ministry of Education(2015-74), exta issue 1. 

  15. Ministry of Education(2015b). Elementary・Secondary Curriculum Standards. Announcement by Ministry of Education(2015-74), exta issue 9. 

  16. Park EH(2018). Reconstruction and Application of National Curriculum based on Backward Design for Improving Elementary School Students’ Communication Competency. A doctor’s thesis, Konkuk University. 

  17. Shim JM(2017). The Effect of Scientific Teaching and Learning with the Brain-Based Evolutionary Approach on Science Core Competence and Scientific Creativity : Focusing on the 'Structures and Functions of Plants' Unit of Elementary 5th Grade. A master’s thesis, Seoul National University of Education. 

  18. Wiggins G and McTighe J(2005). Understanding by design. (Expanded 2nd.) Alexandria, VA: ASCD. 

  19. Yoon SI(2017). A Backward Design-based Construction of an Elementary English Teaching Unit: Investigating its feasibility. A master’s thesis, Seoul National University of Education. 

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