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[해외논문] Can oral healthcare for older people be embedded into routine community aged care practice? A realist evaluation using normalisation process theory

International journal of nursing studies, v.94, 2019년, pp.32 - 41  

Lewis, Adrienne (South Australian Dental Service) ,  Harvey, Gill (Adelaide Nursing School, Adelaide Health & Medical Sciences Building, The University of Adelaide) ,  Hogan, Michelle (Helping Hand Inc) ,  Kitson, Alison (College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University, Sturt Campus)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Background An intervention ‘Better Oral Health in Home Care’ was introduced (2012–2014) to improve the oral health of older people receiving community aged care services. Implementation of the intervention was theoretically framed by the Promoting Action on Research Imple...


참고문헌 (38)

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