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[국내논문] Processing and Characteristics of Canned Seasoned Conger Eel Conger myriaster
조미 붕장어통조림의 제조 및 품질특성

水産海洋敎育硏究 = Journal of fisheries and marine sciences education, v.31 no.5 = no.101, 2019년, pp.1255 - 1267  

NAM, Dong-Bae ,  PARK, Du-Hyun ,  PARK, Jin-Hyo ,  KWON, Ryeong-Won ,  KWON, Soon-Jae ,  PARK, Jun-Seok ,  JUNG, Hee-Bum ,  KONG, Cheong-Sik ,  KIM, Jeong-Gyun

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (32)

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