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[해외논문] Pseudo-Gamma Spectroscopy Based on Plastic Scintillation Detectors Using Multitask Learning 원문보기

Sensors, v.21 no.3, 2021년, pp.684 -   

Jeon, Byoungil (Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon 34507, Korea) ,  Kim, Junha (bijeon@kaeri.re.kr) ,  Lee, Eunjoong (Department of Environmental Radiation Monitoring and Assessment, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Daejeon 34142, Korea) ,  Moon, Myungkook (kimjh@kins.re.kr) ,  Cho, Gyuseong (Decommissioning Technology Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon 34507, Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Although plastic scintillation detectors possess poor spectroscopic characteristics, they are extensively used in various fields for radiation measurement. Several methods have been proposed to facilitate their application of plastic scintillation detectors for spectroscopic measurement. However, mo...


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